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𝕟𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝟙 𝟡 𝟠 𝟟
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"i've been watching you,
for some time"

IT WAS NEARING THE END of Spring when the Malfoy Family attended the annual Ministry of Magic Family Gala

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IT WAS NEARING THE END of Spring when the Malfoy Family attended the annual Ministry of Magic Family Gala.

It was nothing unusual, yet Narcissa Malfoy felt uneasy about the night; but banished the thought as evening jitters, covering it up with her famous tight-lipped grin.

When the young mother wasn't dancing with her husband, Lucius Malfoy, she was either perched on her plush thrown, gossiping as she sipped her Champagne or watching her two darling children with calculated gaze.

Narcissa felt such pride and dignity, seeing her handsome Draco in his slick black suit and bow tie, nobly shielding his sister from the other children at the table.

Narcissa's gaze returned to her pure-blooded frenemies, as she took another modest sip of her Champagne. She laughed lightly at a cruel rumour Priscilla Parkinson was spreading amongst the vulturous women, slightly distracted from the huntress gaze she had locked on her children prior.

During this distracted moment, Draco, his sidekick Blaise and his minions Crabbe and Goyle swaggered in the direction of the dessert table, leaving Rosalie unattended.

Thus, presenting the perfect opportunity for a certain red-headed boy who had been eyeing her down all night to make his move.

Narcissa sighed, unamused by the vicious gossip about the Minister's latest scandal, refocusing on her children, who were now out of sight.

Rosalie was smiling from ear to ear as the red-headed boy spun her around in gentle circles. Rosalie's, pastel green dress swaying just below her knees as she danced with the mystery boy. Her long golden locks were braided into a delicate bun, adorned by her dainty emerald heirloom tiara.

An unsmiling man with a toothbrush moustache stood proudly on the upper-level balcony, observing the young pair.

Lucius grasped his fire whiskey tightly as he gambled another hundred galleons, feeling the heat burn against his icy skin. It wasn't long before the prestigious ballroom's temperature abruptly began to rise to a sweltering degree, and the man was no longer in sight.

Lucius realised the heat he was experiencing was not a natural phenomenon. A panicked mania invaded across the room. Screams of children were heard, but only one resonated through his stoic exterior and straight to his heart.

"Rosie" he tried to scream, but all that came out was a broken whisper.

The fire appeared with a roaring, bellowing noise. The flames chased the children away from the desserts table, gobbling up the sweets abandoned by the fleeing children. Concerned parents latched onto their frightened children as the dark magic Fiendfyre threatened to encompass them all.

Rosalie froze, watching the flames in awe as the red-headed boy clutched her hand in a protective manner. As the flames neared, the boy attempted to drag Rosalie away but failed as she stood there immobile, unable to move from the magnetic trance she was trapped in.

Thick black smoke filled the air, plunging the once alight room into total darkness. The plumes of smoke so forceful shattered the countless windows. Shards of glass shattered to the floor as guests rampaged towards any means of escape.

Tongues of flames licked at the extravagant ceilings, beginning to close in on its prey. The acrid smoke seared in Rosalie's eyes, making it difficult to see as she was swallowed whole by a ring of flames, leaving nothing but the heirloom tiara and a certain redheaded boy behind.

The ballroom suddenly returned to its polar cool state and the dense obsidian smoke cleared a pathway for separated loved ones to reunite. Lucius couldn't see his six-year-old daughter only his son cowering under the table.

Lucius marched through the opening tyrannically pulling son out by the scruff of his emerald green bowtie.

"Where is your sister?" Lucius hissed at his son threateningly, but before Draco could form a response his father tossed him to the side, storming off in a psychotic range.

The madness from within was unleashed, up turning table after table, desperately searching for his daughter.

His wife collected their son in her arms protectively, cradling the boy close to her chest. Narcissa, who had premonitions about the evening, stood back in horror, watching as her worst nightmare unfolded before her very eyes.

"Lucius," She barely whispered. "Lucius," She repeated, although her voice failed to conceal her emotions this time.

Lucius turned to his wife as he threw the last roundtable over in the ballroom, the glasses smashing as they collided with the floor.

His eyes widened in horror, as they traced their way towards the heirloom tiara that lay at his wife's heels.

"Rosie," he breathed.

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