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𝕛𝕦𝕝𝕪 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟝
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"i think we just scarred her for life"

ROSALIE STEPPED OUT OF THE FIREPLACE with her head down to hide the puffy redness forming around her eyes

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ROSALIE STEPPED OUT OF THE FIREPLACE with her head down to hide the puffy redness forming around her eyes. "Auntie Margaret," Rosalie called out, as she wandered through the house. . . yet no response came.

Just like at home, she thought with a sad sigh. The young girl placed her bag outside her bedroom door before heading towards the kitchen for a snack, she'd long lost her appetite after the argument with her grandfather.

Rosalie gave a small gasp when she entered, "Oh I'm sorry," She jumped, averting her eyes to the ground. Both Margaret and Sirius pulled apart in an instant, clearly embarrassed that Rosalie had caught them in such an intimate moment.

Rosalie continued to stare at her feet completely embarrassed she'd interrupted their evening in what had clearly been a romantic dinner for two not three. "I'll just go. . ." Rosalie whispered as she felt herself taking backwards steps out of the kitchen.

"Rosie, darling," Margaret called out, having recovered from the intimate moment she'd been sharing with Sirius before her niece arrived.

"What's wrong? I thought you were coming over on Thursday?" She questioned concerned and a quick glance at her wall calendar confirmed her suspicions.

Margaret furrowed her eyebrows in concern as she placed a hand on Rosalie's shoulder knowing there was a valid reason her niece was over and with puffy eyes nonetheless.

"I didn't realise. . ." Rosalie apologised, fiddling with the sleeves of her jumper. "I can come back another time," She tried desperately wanting to escape, feeling stupid for barging in as she did.

"No, Rosie," Sirius began, knowing something clearly happened with her family, "What happened at home? Did someone say something?" He asked concerned, walking towards the younger girl.

Margaret smiled at his gentleness towards Rosalie as he embraced her in a tight hug.

The young girl gave a small nod, "It was just a stupid argument with one of my grandfather's. . . I'm okay though," She sighed pulling out of Sirius' embrace.

The two adults stared at her curiously, knowing she'd more than likely played down what had actually occurred tonight.

Margaret raised an eyebrow, not believing Rosalie one bit, "Are you sure?" She questioned, taking a step closer to her niece. "Do you want to talk about it?" The older woman offered, hoping to understand why her niece had come over so suddenly and distressed nonetheless.

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