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𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟝
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"i don't care what it costs, they're our children
and we did to protect them from what's coming"

Lucius sat at his desk in the darkness of his study, a glass of fire-whiskey in his hand, his back to the door as he gaze out of the window that reflected the polar atmosphere that now surrounded them

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Lucius sat at his desk in the darkness of his study, a glass of fire-whiskey in his hand, his back to the door as he gaze out of the window that reflected the polar atmosphere that now surrounded them. The snow was polar-white.

The floggy storms of winter swept the elaborate greenery into a mist. Screeching winds occasionally rose up and when they died, a tomb-like silence haunted the Manor, reflecting exactly how Lucius Malfoy was feeling.

The bleak skies were depressing as winter smothered the vast area with its vice-like grip. Nothing could compete with the warmth that had filled the house last winter. . . nothing. It was though they had returned to the ice castle that plagued their family for the better part of a decade.

Lucius' attention slowly returned to reality at the soft sound of heels clicking against the hardwood floors, before stopping outside his study. In an instant, the large wooden doors swung open. Lucius turned around in his seat, his eyes landing on the petite figure that wandered into the room, leaning against the nearest arm chair.

Narcissa sent her husband a knowing look, worried there was nothing but bad news to follow.

No matter how hard he attempted to conceal his emotions. . . she was able to see through the tiny overlooked cracks in his facade each time.

Everything had changed since the Dark Lord's return last year. . . the family had finally been reunited and dare they say happy when everything was threatened once more.

Narcissa moved towards her husband, leaning against his chestnut desk. "What did they say?" She questioned, her voice a hushed tone, though full of worry.

Lucius looked up into his wife's ocean eyes, causing him to miss his daughter more than ever. "They understand our predicament. . ." He remarked vaguely.

"And?" Narcissa's eyebrows were raised in anticipation, her heels unconsciously tapping against the hardwood as she desperately waited for her husband to provide her with vital information.

"They have agreed to help. . . when and if the time comes that is. . ." Lucius continued, pushing a large envelope towards his wife.

The blonde woman collected the item off the desk, her fingers fiddling with the seal that had been opened prior. Narcissa opened the envelope, her eyes scanning its contents briefly before she gave a soft nod.

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