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┌───── ・☆☽・ ─────┐
𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟞
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━
"they need to take her,
she's not safe with us"

┌───── ・☆☽・ ─────┐𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟞━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━"they need to take her,she's not safe with us"

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It had been overcast since she had woken. At first, she assumed that it was too early to be up, the light hardly penetrated the slate fabric of her curtains. But after some moments of trying to return to sleep, she sighed opening the blinds to peer down at her surroundings.

The sky was awash with various shades of grey, in places a break of light managed to break through, but otherwise, it was almost as dark as pre-dawn.

The young girl sighed as her gaze observed the length of the manor gardens she could see from her window. She had hoped there'd been something to occupy her agitated mind, but alas the apparent emptiness of the gardens only seemed to fuel her pessimistic thoughts.

What had she expected to see that early anyway?

The overcast morning gloom didn't help Rosalie's mood as she seated herself on the cream armchair by the window. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her emerald silk shorts, her manicured nails fiddling with imaginary lint as she attempted to ease her mind. Not that it was working either.

Standing again after not even a full moment seated, the young girl moved to the bathroom in hopes to wash away the stressful night prior away. She closed her eyes in distress, the scolding water burning as painful memories flashed back.

Steam filled the bathroom. Scalding water flowing down her body in rivers. Rosalie didn't want to move. The temperature was perfect, her skin numb. Mind being to ease.

She wanted to wash the pain away...

Her parents had found her curled up against the wall, her heart that was so smoothly healing this morning was now faltering and uneven.

Cries of agony echoed through the hollow room, the sound guiding them to her with haste. Her ponytail was ragged, loose hair falling over her porcelain features, sapphire eyes of misery.

"Pity, Mummy and Daddy aren't here to save you."

She recalls her last moments of consciousness pain-ridden and frightened... all she did want were her parents! She wanted them to protect her.

She bathed her skin lightly, taking careful notice not to touch the bruises that littered her body from the powerful spell the night prior.

Snape was there, moments after her parents found her, healing her yet again. It was a pathetic habit at this point - a magnet for pain and near death experiences.

Her skin burned against the droplets, skin flushed from the sheer heat.

"Let this be a warning to your parents that if they choose to lie again, you and Draco will be the ones to suffer"

Turning off the tap, she stepped out of the steaming shower. The water dripped down her body softly as she wrapped the emerald towel around her body, careful of the remaining damage.

She tightened her dry ponytail, huffing in mild annoyance as pieces of her blonde fringe fell out. As she finished dressing in leggings and a light tank top, she found the family Irish Wolfhounds.

She proceeded on with an early morning run before the weather became too warm. The frosty morning mist tickled her rosy skin as she sprinted back down the long driveway. The two dogs, unleashed, trotted inches from her side.


As she ran back toward the manor driveway, her cheeks sore from the cold air, she saw her mother. The woman paced the front porch. Clearly anxious at the fact her daughter had disappeared so early the morning following her attack.

"Oh, Rosie!" The older woman greeted her with a half-smile as relief flooded her. She finally seated herself on the porch seat with her morning cup of tea.

Heart racing still in her chest from her run, Rosalie ran closer to her mother. Ailene & Conan barking happily behind her.

Despite being relieved to find her youngest, Narcissa remained concerned she had been attacked merely last night.

"Darling, should you be running? We still don't know the full damage to your heart?" Her voice shrill in the tranquil morning air.

Rosalie knew the tone was laced with fear and concern, "I promise I'm fine - I actually feel better now."

It wasn't a complete lie, the morning had done wonders for Rosalie in clearing her mind. She would just purposefully leave out the slight pain in her chest it caused but she didn't want to give up everything she loved. Or worse, be put back on bed rest entirely.

Narcissa smiled properly for the first time in a very long time, a comforting face that eased Rosalie's uneasy mind.

"Darling, I'm so sorry." She returned almost immediately.

It made her skin crawl to think Bellatrix would truly hurt her daughter. She'd never thought the repercussions of neglecting to advise her sister of Rosalie would result in an attack.

Rosalie snuggled into the shawl around her mother's shoulders, skin still tingly in the frosty morning air. "Mummy, I'm fine."

The older woman could barely nod, "But what if -"

"No, no what if, Mum!" Rosalie retorted, cutting her mother off. "I'm fine and that's what matters."

She only weakly nodded in reply.

"I love you, Mum."

"I love you too, Darling." Narcissa hummed, kissing her daughters forehead. The fear that one day the moment would be there last . . . "We both do, so much."

"But your father and I have decided your Aunt Margaret will come to pick you up today."

Rosalie looked up at her mother in surprise, "I can't stay with you and Dad?"

Narcissa blinked back tears, explaining that Margaret would be able to monitor her health closely. "Darling you're not safe here. We want to protect you as best we can."

Rosalie knew her parents wanted to keep her safe, but the childish part of her just wanted to stay curled up in their arms.

"I best get ready," She sighed, though truly did not attempt to detach herself from Narcissa.

The pair sat there in silence for a few moments longer. "You'll help me?" She looked at her mother, pleading doll eyes that always made her parents cave.

"Of course, darling." Narcissa agreed, kissing her forehead.

Would it be the last moment?

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now