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𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣  𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟜
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━
"oh there's no place like home"

┌───── ・☆☽・ ─────┐𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣  𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟜━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━"oh there's no place like home"

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SNOW RESTS UPON the grounds surrounding Hogwarts as if it were a blanket. It covers the rich mahogany wood of the Forbidden Forest in a perfect white.

Winter's whining winds had come and gone, leaving a tranquilness around the grounds. The dark and glum sky above; a perfect mixture of grey clouds and pasty streaks.

Rosalie blinked back at the thunderstorms swarming in her mind, the incoherent haze settling to the point where she could make sense of the world around her. She yawned softly, as she stared out of the window beside her bed.

After the initial whirlwind of confusion subsided, Rosalie turned over to see Hermione lying in the spare bed across from her and Gabrielle.

"C'est tres bizarre!" Rosalie thought, before quickly remember her argument with Ron and Harry. She had gathered some clothes from the common room when yesterday evening ended, returning to the spare bed in Gabrielle and Rosalie's dorm.

The young girl reminisced about her night, how wonderful it had been to spend it with the twins, Hayden and Hermione; and that tiny incident far in the back of her mind.

She stifled another small yawn, stretching her arms out as she looked over at both her friends shielding her eyes from the morning winter sunshine.

Rosalie tiptoed towards her Beauxbatons trunk, silently unfolding her navy blue skinny jeans, grey v-neck jumper, navy scarf and gold ballet flats from inside her trunk.

Gabrielle stirred, rubbing her eyes as she rolled over in her sheets to face Rosalie. "Bonjour, Rosie," Gabrielle slurred half asleep, still rubbing her eyes groggily.

"Bonjour, Gabrielle!" Rosalie giggled, watching her friend slump out of bed towards the bathroom, passing Hermione who was still fast asleep.

Rosalie swiftly changed before gently waking Hermione. "Hey 'Mione," She smiled, waking up her sleepy friend.

Hermione groaned with tiredness, she was usually always the first one up with Rosalie. "I can't believe you were up before me?" Hermione sighed, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. "Aren't you still exhausted?"

Rosalie laughed as she began to braid her hair, gesturing to the clothes she'd laid out for Hermione to wear. "I'm so tired but I'm just happy to go home for Christmas."

Last night the Great Hall had glistened like an ice palace, with falling snowflakes. Now the sculptures were gone and the four long tables returned, where all the Hogwarts students had been sitting when they first arrived.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now