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𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟞
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"i'm leaving for Hogwarts in an hour"

Glancing at her boyfriend from across the room, Rosalie felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips

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Glancing at her boyfriend from across the room, Rosalie felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips. For once, she didn't need to go through a list of words she wished she could say to him.

"Do you have to go?" She whined, disappointed he was returning to Hogwarts for his exams. She couldn't believe how quickly the last month had past.

Graham sighed, glancing back at her perfectly pouty face. "You know I do. . . it's only for a couple of weeks."

The blonde simply nodded in reply, avoiding eye contact; she didn't truly want to talk about it, not when she wasn't allowed to return for her own. Severus had deemed it best that she not return for the remainder of the school term, not that he wasn't keeping her extra busy with advanced studies. 

The room fell silent as Graham packed the last of his items into his trunk, Rosalie silently sulking at the thought of not seeing him everyday. It was strange how inseparable they'd become in such a short time, and yet Rosalie couldn't imagine life without him now.

"Aw Ellie, come here." He couldn't take the dejected look on her face any longer. The blonde's knees pressed to her chest, forehead scrunched in distress.

As she moved to his desk, her floral perfume immediately invaded his senses. The scent comforting and familiar for him. Straddling his lap, Graham leaned back in his chair to accommodate Rosalie.

His fingers caressed her thighs nonchalantly, as she wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders in a warm embrace. Her short lacy summer dress exposing more smooth creamy skin as Graham's hands ventured higher than likely deemed appropriate.

Rosalie moaned contently, moving back to face his cheeky smirk. "What?" He questioned, feigning innocence, though his fingers made no move to retreat back down her thighs.

Closing her eyes, she felt his hot breath on her neck, then the tender brush of lips. "Gray," She whispered, arching her neck back to give him greater access.

Running her dainty fingertips down his warm chiselled chest, she smiled as his strong arms wrapped around her figure protectively.

Pulling her chin down, his lips finally brushed against hers. She moaned softly into his mouth as his left hand drifted down to her hip. It settled there, pulling her closer as though he feared the moment would end too soon.

Rosalie was breathless with delight as he showered her with gentle, soft kisses. A low groan escaping him as shifted slightly.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now