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𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟝
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"can't they just stop
fighting and bickering"

ROSALIE WRESTLED AGAINST HER SHEETS, her breathing was heavy and heart pounded heavily in her chest

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ROSALIE WRESTLED AGAINST HER SHEETS, her breathing was heavy and heart pounded heavily in her chest. Her body was covered in sweat, her mind racing with millions of questions. She rolled over in bed, a strange sense of deja vu washing over her as her eyes focusing on her room around.

The nightmare was always the same.

Paralyzed, naked, cold.

The parents she loved and treasured as a child would disappear and a figure would come closer and closer with each passing night, making sweeping movements with their wand to a music only they could hear and when she ran the endless staircase she could never evade would taunt her until she woke.

Shaking, teary and struck with reality.

It took a moment for Rosalie to composure her shaking body with a few steady breaths. With the remnants of her night terror fading, Dakota feeling her movement immediately jumped on her eagerly.

"I'm up, I'm up," The young girl sighed, running her fingers through the cub's soft fur.

It had been almost a week since she'd arrived home from Hogwarts for the summer break. Her parents had managed to agree on the day of her arrival that she should stay with the Malfoy's for the night, until their lunch the next morning.

Although, as if Rosalie's nightmare came true, that lunch was as far from simple as possible.

Her father's sent each other subtle snide remarks the entire luncheon as they argued and discussed her life as though she wasn't even present at that table.

She'd never thought it would end like this. . . and on that lunch couldn't end fast enough for the young girl, who excused herself from both families, refusing to seem like she was picking sides, heading over to Hermione's for a debrief.

The blonde slipped the covers off her body, heading towards her bathroom, eager to rid her body of the sweat she was drenched in. She quickly slipped into the hot shower, the warm droplets formed steam as she stood there without moving at all.

Her skin was burning from the mellow droplets, as she recollected the moments from her year at Hogwarts and the many friends she made, but as Rosalie without the Malfoy name dragging her through the mud just yet.

After her shower, Rosalie quickly dressed in her white satin floral dress and silver sandals. She applied a soft layer of makeup as she read through the letters on her desk her gaze catching one from her aunt Andromeda, which had arrived early this morning.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now