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𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟞
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━
"you're a monster!
I can't even look at you"

Black shapes were emerging out of thin air all around them, blocking their way left and right; eyes glinted through slits in hoods, a dozen lit wand-tips were pointing directly at their hearts; Ginny gasped in horror

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Black shapes were emerging out of thin air all around them, blocking their way left and right; eyes glinted through slits in hoods, a dozen lit wand-tips were pointing directly at their hearts; Ginny gasped in horror.

Harry did not have to think; there was no choice. The prophecy was hot with the heat of his clutching hand as he held it out.

Lucius jumped forwards to take it.

Then, high above them, two more doors burst open and six more people sprinted into the room: Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks, Kingsley and was that Rosalie hidden in the distance?

Lucius turned and raised his wand, but Tonks had already sent a Stunning Spell right at him. Harry did not wait to see whether it had made contact but dived off the dais out of the way.

The Death Eaters were completely distracted by the appearance of the members of the Order, who were now raining spells down upon them as they jumped from step to step towards the sunken floor.

Through the darting bodies, the flashes of light, Rosalie could see Neville crawling along. She dodged a jet of red light and flung herself flat on the ground to reach the terrified Neville.

"Oh, Neville! Gosh, are you okay?' She yelled as another spell soared inches over their heads.

Neville nodded, trying to pull himself up.

Rosalie urged him down, "You must stay here with Harry," glancing over at the boy who joined them.

Yet the stone floor between them exploded as a spell hit it, leaving a crater right where Neville's hand had been only seconds before; all scrambled away from the spot.

Rosalie sucked in a brief as a thick arm came out of nowhere, seizing Harry around the neck and pulling him upright so that his toes were barely touching the floor.

'Give it to me,' growled a voice in his ear, 'give me the prophecy –'The man was pressing so tightly on Harry's windpipe that he could not breathe.

Through watering eyes he saw Sirius duelling with a Death Eater some ten feet away; Kingsley was fighting two at once; Tonks, still halfway up the tiered seats, was firing spells down at Bellatrix – nobody seemed to realise that Harry was dying.

Rosalie turned around in shock and horror. She had jabbed her wand hard into the eyehole of the Death Eater's mask gasping "STUPEFY!" at the top of her lungs.

The Death Eater flew across the room over backwards, his mask slipped off: one of his eyes now swollen and bloodshot.

Rosalie turned around in shock and horror at a booming voice.


The word tumbled from her lips before she could even stop it. Her father was here ... but why - how?

Sirius had hurtled out of nowhere, rammed Dolohov with his shoulder and sent him flying out of the way.

The prophecy had again flown to the tips of Harry's fingers but he had managed to cling on to it.

Now Sirius and Dolohov were duelling, their wands flashing like swords, sparks flying from the tips. Rosalie sent a stinging spell towards Dolohov causing him to relinquish the fresh spell; Sirius taking the moment to finish him off.

Dolohov's arms and legs snapped together and he keeled over backwards, landing with a crash on his back.

"Nice one Rosie!" shouted Sirius, forcing Rosalie's head down as a pair of Stunning Spells flew towards them. "Now I want you to get out of here – it's not safe!"

They both ducked again; a jet of green light had narrowly missed Rosalie.

Across the room Rosalie saw Tonks fall from halfway up the stone steps, her limp form toppling from stone seat to stone seat and Bellatrix, triumphant, running back towards the fray.

"Oh no, Dora!" Rosalie cried out, rushing over to her limp body desperate to check on the older girl. "No, Rosie!"

Turning to the group behind him, "Harry, take the prophecy, grab the others and run" Sirius yelled, dashing to meet Bellatrix, a keen eye on Rosalie. He wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Neville and Harry attempted to run, Neville's legs waving wildly like an overturned beetle's, Harry with his left arm held up in the air to try to save the small glass ball from being smashed.

"The prophecy, give me the prophecy, Potter!" Lucius snarled and Harry felt the tip of Malfoy's wand pressing hard between his ribs.

"No – get – off – me ... Neville – catch it!" Harry flung the prophecy across the floor, Neville spun himself around on his back and scooped the ball to his chest.

Lucius pointed the wand instead at Neville, but Harry jabbed his wand back over his shoulder and yelled, "Impedimenta!"

Lucius was blasted off his back. As Harry scrambled up again he looked around and saw Malfoy smash into the dais on which Sirius and Bellatrix were now duelling.

Lucius aimed his wand at Harry and Neville again, but before he could draw breath to strike, Rosalie had jumped between them.

"I can't believe you." Tears formed in her eyes as she stared at her father shock and disappointment consuming her emotions. "Hermione take them and run!" Wand still raised defensively against her father.

Lucius was frozen in place, wand still drawn but lowered at the sight of Rosalie. His daughter had caught him in the one state he wished she would never know... a monster.

She sniffled lightly, but she couldn't focus on that now. Only one pair was still battling, the rest apparently unaware of the unexpected father-daughter reunion.

Rosalie saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: he was laughing at her.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Sirus yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room.

Rosalie shook her head, she wouldn't let me die not when he was intent on egging Bellatrix on - actual stupidity at its finest.

He was going to be a father, she was going to have a baby cousin.

As she sprinted towards him, despite the screams of her father, Bellatrix expelled the second jet of light. This time the spell hit both of them - dead centre.

The laughter had not quite died from Sirius' face, but his eyes widened in shock. The pair crashed to the ground in slow motion. The light in their eyes diminishing by the second.

Everyone heard Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream. Two for one it seemed - her eyes glimmering darkly.

"ROSIE!" Lucius yelled from the floor. "ROSIE!" His breath was coming in searing gasps.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now