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𝕒𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕝 𝟙 𝟡 𝟡 𝟞
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"you look so cute,
when you're concentrating"

The bookcase with its inky treasures adorned the quiet study room, quiet in that sense of easy solitude

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The bookcase with its inky treasures adorned the quiet study room, quiet in that sense of easy solitude. Hidden far from the prying ears and eyes of the world.

Rosalie lifted her head in the direction of the voices outside the room. Even given just a script of their conversation, with no context or voices, you would know they were boys. Likely, 3rd or 4th year.

Their study conversation interrupted only by jokes, often at the expense of one of their friends. Not that they seemed to mind. And yet, the voices would suddenly disappear now and then. Perhaps Madame Pince reprimanded the group for their blatant disregard for the fact this was the school library and not the Great Hall.

When the silence finally settled once more, she unfolded the letter she'd received earlier that morning.

Bonjour Ma Fille,

It has been far too long since we've spoken. Tu me manques énormément bébé!

Narcissa and I have been keeping in contact regarding your health, darling. Est-ce que ça va? You haven't given us an update recently.

Hayden even owled to check on you - he said you hadn't been responding to his or James' letters.

J'espère avoir de vos nouvelles bientôt.

Love, Maman xx

P.S Your aunt Margaret seems to believe she saw you prancing around London last month? Care to elaborate on your little secret, darling?

Rosalie folded the letter up, sliding it safely into the confines of her book. It seemed her mothers were in contact quite frequently these days. Would she tell Narcissa and her father?

She gulped quietly at the thought. Sure, she'd neglected to tell her families about Graham. . . but not intentionally. It had just never come up in their letters. But if Margaret knew, that meant Sirius likely did as well. Oh, Merlin! Graham wasn't going to get a Howler, was he?

Looking up from the letter, her eyes instantly caught Graham's; a quill between his teeth as he scanned his Charms textbook furiously. He rested against the opposite arm of the leather chesterfield, their legs tangled in a comfortable mess.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing her distressed face.

Her shirt was untucked, the first few buttons undone and her tie nowhere insight. Umbridge would surely give her detention if she wasn't a Malfoy or a star student. A messy blonde bun, with hazel streaks rest atop her head, a few stray hairs framing her face; she looked gorgeous so dishevelled.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now