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"this is why an all girl school
is much more preferable"

THE ALLEY WAS COVERED in a thick blanket of white; creaky chains holding the numerous signs of the alleyway peeked out under their new white caps

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THE ALLEY WAS COVERED in a thick blanket of white; creaky chains holding the numerous signs of the alleyway peeked out under their new white caps.

Footsteps and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the labyrinth of paths and the frost-laced windows; the street looked like an unfinished painting.

The morning light struggled through the murky cloud, but even in its weakness, it was enough to blind.

Apparently, it was the perfect weather for a luncheon in the Alley according to the Malfoy's and Black's; despite the fact it would be crowded with countless students searching for the perfect dress robes and the weather was less than perfect for a day out.

In a hurry to relieve themselves from the rush of hustling people, the group retreated to a cafe on the south side of the alley. Quiet, peaceful and distant from any popular shops.

The students had arrived in Diagon Alley mid-morning having used the portkey, Dumbledore had arranged for the students to use if they pleased.

Rosalie and Hermione wandered along the snow-covered street to Madam Malkins, where they'd agreed to meet Rosalie's Aunt who'd collected their dress robes.

"Rosie, darling. . . I'm over here." The woman called, standing outside the blue weatherboard store. "Quick, inside." She said, ushering the two girls out of the icy air.

"Auntie Margaret," Rosalie smiled, embracing the older woman in a tight hug.

The brunette greeted her niece and Hermione, "I have your dresses here. Madame just has to alter them for you." Margaret announced, gesturing to the two bags resting on the counter.

Both Hermione and Rosalie instantly brightened at the prospect. "Can we see them!" Hermione gushed excitedly.

Margaret nodded, suggesting the pair try them on in order for Madam Malkin to alter them. Within half an hour, the two beautiful dresses were measured for readjustment and would be delivered to Hogwarts upon their return.

"I've got to head back to the Hospital, but here's some money to get some lunch on your way back." Margaret offered, handing her niece the Gallons.

Rosalie embraced her Aunt tightly, "Thank you for collecting our dresses."

"Not a problem, darling." Margaret chuckled, helping the pair into their coats to brave the icy air outside once more. "I want to see photos at Christmas." She grinned, farewelling the two girls.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄,  little malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now