☠Chapter 1

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(A/N: I hope you like it! A picture of Max is on the side)


"Max!" I heard one of my best friends, Ashley, say. I could hear someone coming up the stairs and then opening my door. I looked away from my computer and saw him standing there. "Hey, if I were youI wouldn't come downstairs. Andy's pissed...." he told me.

"I wouldn't want to come down if he's there..." I replied.

I've lived with Black Veil Brides for two years and everyone likes me, except for Andy. I don't know why he didn't, he just...did. Every time we were around each other, one of us would say one thing wrong and then all hell breaks loose. 

The reason why I'm living with them is because my parents kicked me out as soon as I turned 18. Ashley and I have known each other for a while and he let me move in with them. Thank the Lord, Ashley is such a good person.

Ashley turned to walk out of the room. "Close the door," I demanded as I turned back to my lap top. He didn't close it. I sighed. 'Is it that hard to close the damn door?' I thought. I got up and was about to slam it when Andy walked up and glared at me. 

Sadly, his room was right next to mine so you could hear everything that goes on. Some nights, I can't sleep because he's....busy.

"Don't give me that look, I didn't do anything!" I snapped and I slammed the door. I didn't want to deal with his bullcrap today.

I could hear him walking into his room and him saying something. Probably bitching because I snapped at him. Oh, who cares? He's such a baby sometimes.

 I ran over to to the wall and put my ear to it. I could hear him throwing something across the room. Okay, maybe not me. Then, someone must've really done something to get him angry.

 I pulled away from it when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was my best friend, Alana. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, can you come pick from the diner?" she said. Ryan, her brother, must've took her. "Yeah, but we're stopping by the book store on the way home." "Fine, but after if we go back to your house, I do not want to see Ashley, kay?" she sighed. 

"God, I don't understand why you hate him. He's realy nice," I said.

"Says you."

"Okay, whatever. See you in a few," I farewelled and I hung up.

I grabbed my jacket and I ran out my door and down the stairs and I saw that the guys weren't in the living room so I assumed they must be outside or something. I ran out the front door and took out my keys from my jacket pocket.

I opened the door to the rusty old red truck I had and slammed the door. I took out a Staind cd and put it in, flipping to my favorite song by them.

I made it to the diner and saw Alana standing there. She ran to the truck while taking off her apron. I leaned over and opened the door. "Oh my god, thank you. I don't think I could stand Ryan picking me up again," she told me.


"He always picks me up with his girlfriend. She's so annoying, I don't know why but she reminds me of Janice."


"Friends?"she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh," I replied.

We made it to the old bookstore that's called Foster's, and I grabbed Alana's hand and pulled her inside.

I closed my eyes and took in the old book smell that I loved so much and opened them again, stealing a glance around the shop. As I did that, I had to do a double take as I saw the last person I wanted and ever assumed to be in a book store.

"Hey, there's your boyfriend!" Alana said almost screaming when she noticed Andy looking at a book. A few people around us hushed her and she mouthed sorry to them.

I put my hand over her mouth so she couldn't say anything else. "He's not my boyfriend," I whispered in her ear. I pulled my hand away from her mouth. "I hate him, with burning passion and he hates me, Alana."

 "Maybe it's an act," she replied, suspiciously. 

(A/N: So, how'd you guys like it? Next chapter will be up tomorrow!)

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