☠Chapter 12

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I woke up and saw that it was early in the morning. It was about 9 am. Ugh, I've got to get up. I threw off my blanket and got up. I slumped to the door and downstairs. Nobody was awake, thank you Lord. 

My wrist hurt really bad this morning, it's a good thing I'm right handed. I looked in the freezer and didn't see any Ben and Jerry's. "No!" I whispered. I shut the fridge and then clutched my stomach. I need my ice cream. That seems like the only thing I eat now. 

I ran back upstairs, took a quick shower, and then got dressed. I put on a long sleeved purple snoopy shirt (to cover my bandage), black skinny jeans, purple converse, and my snoopy necklace.

I grabbed my phone and walked outside. I didn't want to drive anywhere, so I walked. I walked down the busy streets of LA and was lost in my mind, when someone knocked me to the ground. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I heard a low voice say. I saw a hand help me and I took it. "It's o-" I stopped as soon as I saw this guy. Holy shit, he's hot. "It's okay," I said. He smiled. "Hi, I'm Conner," he greeted. "I'm Max," I answered. Oh god, I don't even know how I'm not fainting.

"Uh nice to meet you, and I really am sorry. I didn't mean to knock you down....are you okay?," he apologized. "I'm fine," I answered. He smiled. "Well, I'll see you around," I told him. He nodded and then I started to walk past him, but he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Do you want to....uh..maybe...go have coffee with me?" he asked awkwardly. Cute! 

I gave him a soft smile. "I'd like that," I replied. We went to a coffee shop and talked for a while when I got a text from Ashley. 

'Where the fuck are you? You've been gone for 3 hours!'  it said. Has it really been that long? I didn't text back. "Uh, ha, I've got to go, my friend is worrying about me," I said. "Oh well, I had a good time, can I have your number?" he asked me. What? Oh my god, really? "Uh, sure!" We exchanged phone numbers and then I left.

I got back home and then questions were immediately thrown at me. "Where were you?" " "You couldn't text me back?!" "Did you get food?" 

Ugh. "HOLD UP!" I shouted. They fell silent. I looked at them and only saw four. "Where's Andy?" I asked. They looked at me like I was crazy. "That's what your saying right now?" Ashley said with sarcasm in his voice. I scoffed. "Well, when there's only four of ya, you kind of start to wonder where the singer is," I remarked.

"He's out with Juliet," Jake answered. "Thank you, and to answer you guys, I was out, no, because I didn't want to and no, I did not get food," I replied. I paused. Then it hit me. I didn't get my ice cream. "DAMN IT!"

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