☠Chapter 4

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Ashley almost choked on his coffee as soon as I said that. "You what?" he managed to say without coughing. "You heard me," I replied. I didn't want to repeat it. I looked away trying to hide my face.

"Ash....you have to promise me you won't tell anyone...." I demanded. "But-" "Promise me!" I interrupted. He inhaled. "I promise. But one thing," he said. I looked at him. I knew exactly what he was going to say. "You have to stop." "Ash, I'll try but it's not something that I can just stop doing..." "Then I'll help you." I stayed quiet. "Fine." 

He nodded. I looked at him, he looked...hurt. Or worried. Or both. He didn't say much after that. He didn't looked at me or anything. Just sort of, ignored me.  

We were in his car, driving home, when he finally said something. "Why?" "Why what?" I answered. "Why do you and Andy hate each other?" 

I couldn't answer this. Because I didn't know why. I really hated Andy, but probably because he hated me too. 

I inhaled deeply. "I don't know," I answered, truthfully. He pulled into the driveway and pulled the key out. He stepped out of the car and then pulled me out with him. I really didn't want to go inside. 

I walked up the path with Ash and he opened the door. I immediately ran upstairs and into my bedroom and slammed the door.

I locked it and then put my back against it and slid down the door. I rested my arms on my knees and put my head against the door. I  put my hand to the key that hung around my neck and tore the necklace off. I help it in my hand and stood up.

I walked over to my bed and pulled out the box from under the bed and placed it on top of the  bedspread. I put the key into the padlock and twisted it making it unlock. I put the lock on my bed and then fell to my knees. 

I opened the box and the ballerina started to turn and Moonlight Sonata started playing. I reached into one of the small drawers and pulled out a razor. I twirled it in my hands carefully and almost dropped it when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly put the razor back in its place, locked the box and slid it back under my bed. 

I got up and went over to the door, unlocked it and then opened it. There stood Andy. I let out a sigh and turned around, walking to my bed. I sat on it and he walked in, closing the door.

"Andy, I'm....." I started. I've never said this to him. He stood in front of me avoiding eye contact. "I'm....sorry," I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. He sat next next to me and I stared down at my hands.

"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for all the times I've yelled at you and when I accidentally broke your phone and blamed it on Ash and when I pushed you into the pool and when scratched your car and I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you hate me."

I picked my head up and he looked at me. "You scratched my car?" he asked. I wanted to laugh but I hated him so I didn't. "Yeah." There was silence for what seemed like hours. 

"I don't hate you," he said. I almost fell off the bed when he said that.  Did he just say that he doesn't hate me?! Damn, Alana was right. 

"You just acted like you hated me? Why in the fucking hell would you do that? You know what?! You are a dumb ass!" I yelled in his face. He winced. "Get the fuck out of my room!" He got up and left with out saying another word. 

I just wish I could take back my apology.

(A/N: Max's bedroom on the side. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

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