☠Chapter 9

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(A/N: This chapter at one point is a tiny bit....inappropriate. Yeah, that's the right word. It took me awhile to write it because it was....awkward to write. *Awkward moment* Alana's on the side if you were wondering what she looked like...Anyway, enjoy!)

I haven't talked to Andy for a long time, even though he's tried to talk to me. I don't know why, but seeing him with his new girlfriend, Juliet, bothered me. Juliet bothered me. I guess it's just hard seeing him with someone else because I....no. I don't. I didn't feel anything when he was with his other girlfriends, so why now? Is it because I know that he loves me? Loved me, is more like it.

Alana and I were sitting on my bed, watching our favorite movie. The Woman In Black. Arthur was walking into the nursery and he turned around and then he saw the kid. We got scared for a moment, and at that moment we heard someone knock on the door. "You can go answer it," Alana said, pushing me to the floor.

I got up, turned on the lamp and then went over to the door. I opened it and there was Andy in his Batman pajama pants. "What do you want?" I sighed. "Oh, you're finally talking to me. That's great. Uh, the guys are all going out so it's just us three," he answered. "ANDY COME IN! WATCH THE MOVIE WITH US!" Alana screamed. "No," I said. "Yes," she argued pushing me out of the way and pulling him in. 

"Ugh, fine but he has to sit on the floor," I demanded. "Can you deal?" she asked him. "Yep." Alana did that just to irritate me. He sat in front of me, on the floor though, and we watched the movie. 

After it ended, Alana suggested something that I could kill her for. "HEY! Why don't we three hang out tonight! The guys are going to be gone for awhile, so why not?!" she yelled. She's a nautrally loud person.  

I rolled my eyes but I could tell that she really wanted to so, I agreed. I'm actually starting to think Alana has a crush on him, but who knows? She's like this with everyone I hate.

We watched a few more movies and then I realized that it was around 3 am. "Oh, I have to get home. Got to take care of my dog!" Alana said and then she left.  

We both went to bed but I had trouble sleeping. Mostly because of the dream I was having...

*The dream*

Andy was on top of me and he kissed me. He tugged at the hem of my shirt and then tore it off. I flipped him over so I was on top and I unbuckled his belt...

I woke up and put my hand to my head. Oh god, I need help. I got up and put on a red t-shirt that had Jack White on it, dark blue jeans, and my black converse. I brushed my hair and then walked out of my room.

I ran downstairs into the living room and then Ashley and Andy stopped talking as soon as I walked in. "Um, hello," I greeted. "Hi," they said simultaneously. I grabbed my Ben and Jerry's ice cream from the kitchen and sat down on the other couch that they weren't sitting on.

We watched some TV while everyone else slept. They must have had some night, wherever they went. Andy got up and went to the bathroom and that's when Ashley finally said something.

"So, I hear you and Andy have been talking again," Ashley said. Damn. "No, that was last night. We're not talking again," I answered with annoyance in my voice. "Why are you mad at him?!" he whined. I don't know if he knew or not, but I'm not going to be the one who tells him. 

"I have the right to. He's a jackass," I answered. "No he's not." "Yes he is," I argued. Ashley gave up because he knew there was no point in arguing with me. He turned off the TV. Andy came back in and Ash sat him down on the end of the couch I was sitting on. I crossed my arms. "What's-" "Why are you mad at him?" Ash interrupted Andy. 

"Because I can." I really didn't want to get into this right now. "Andy? Do you know?" Andy just looked at him. "Well, you two need to get this sorted out," and Ashley left the room. 

There was a long awkward silence. 

"Max.." Andy started. "I hate you," I interrupted. "I know," he sighed. 

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