☠Chapter 8

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  I woke up the next morning on the couch. Damn, last night was...wow. Anyway, I noticed all of the other guys were asleep and then noticed Ashley wasn't there. He must've went home with some girl...

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 3:00. Ugh. I walked over to the guys and tried to wake them, but they were deep sleepers apparently.

I ran upstairs and took a shower then I got dressed. I put on a black skirt, black ripped t-shirt, boots, and a black lace bracelet. (A/N: Picture on the side.)

I grabbed my bullhorn that I hid in my closet and then ran back downstairs. I turned it on.

"WAKE UP YOU FUCKERS!" I screamed. Everyone shot up, and since Andy was the closest he had his hands over his ears. Alana threw a pillow at me, but she missed and I laughed.  

"You're a mean person, you know that?" she said while putting a piece of her hair behind on of her ears. I turned it off and then smiled.

I ran to the kitchen and then opened the freezer. I slammed it and turned around. "Who took my Ben and Jerry's?" I asked, annoyed. "Sorry," CC answered. He was smiling like he was proud of it. "You're going to regret this," I said, playfully smacking him on the back of his head. 

"Well, I'm gonna head home," and Alana departed. Everyone headed up to their rooms except for me and Andy.  

It was a bit awkward at first because I just stood there and he was sitting on the couch. "So..." I said awkwardly. "Yeah..."

I sat down beside him. "Andy...I do forgive you," I finally forgave him. He looked at me. "Really?" "Yeah." I gave him a smile.

We sat there for awhile when he did something caught me off guard. He kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I kissed back. I put my arms around his neck and he snaked his arms around my waist. 

I pulled away, out of breath and then unlocked my fingers then put my hands in my lap. "Uh...that was...wow," I managed to mutter out. He nodded in agreement. "I'm just going to go...up..." I said while getting up and running up the stairs.

 I shut the door and then leaned against it. Andy and I just...kissed. 

*Few days later*

Andy and I haven't talked or looked at each other since the kiss. I don't think anyone minded though. I think they're getting a relief from the fighting. 

I walked out of my room and then down the stairs. I stopped at the last step and then my heart stopped. I saw Andy and some girl making out on the couch. He saw me and then he broke away from her. "Hey Max," he greeted. "Hi," the girl said. 

I turned around and ran back up the stairs. Jake was about to say something but I ignore him and then slammed the door in his face. 

I grabbed the book Andy gave me and then threw it to the wall. I wasn't exactly sad, more pissed off. I can't believe Andy. 

(A/N: I bet you guys are like, "Finally!" Yeah, I had to be mean didn't I? Oh yeah, listen to the song. Unless you don't like P!nk. Then, you don't have to. It's a really good song. :P )

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