☠Chapter 13

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So, Conner and I have been going out for a long time now. Four months actually. I don't see Andy around much, except when he comes home late at night.

I haven't told the guys about Conner yet. I don't know why, maybe because they won't like him? I mean, he's gotten mad, not at me though, and it's a little scary, but I love how I can calm him down. Make him feel better.

 Tonight, Conner's coming over. I still have to tell the guys. Ugh, that's going to be an awkward task.

I got out of bed after reviewing these thoughts and went into the bathroom. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. 

What if the guys don't like Conner? What if they think that he's not good for me? Or if he's using me? God, I've got to stop worrying. The guys will probably like him...hopefully. If they don't...well, they'll get over it. I love Conner.

Wait, what? Did I really just think that? I love Conner. Oh God, I love Conner! No! I-I can't! I love Andy! 

No...no I don't. I don't love Andy. I can't  love Andy...I don't. So, why did I feel like I was betraying him? I hate Andy. I do. I know I do. I'm in love with An-Conner. Conner. Just think of him. His brown hair. They way his green eyes glistened when I looked into them. His smile, that smile. 

But none of that compares to Andy. Andy was...wow. His hair was short now. Still black, but short. It was beautiful. His eyes were beautiful. They were really blue and they complimented him. And when he smiled, it's like he just lit up the whole town. Making everyone happy. That's what it seemed like.

As I was comparing the two, I didn't notice the water had gone really cold. When I did, I yelped and jolted back. I slipped on the slick floor and hit my head on the bar on the door as I fell. "Oww," I whined. I put my hand to my forehead, I was bleeding. Great.

I turned off the water and stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself and then I cleaned off the  fogged mirror. I looked at myself. There was a small cut. It's a good thing that way my hair was, it would cover it up if there was a bandage. I grabbed one and put it over the cut. It hurts a bit but that's okay.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I fixed my towel and then opened the door. There was Ashley. "Hey, I heard a thump and then an 'ow' coming from here. You okay?" he asked. Then he noticed I was just in a towel. He covered his eyes with one hand and turned around. I giggled. "I'm fine, Ash. Is anyone else up?" I said. "No, just you and me," he answered.  

I smiled. "Alright. You can have the bathroom now," I told him while turning him around. I let him by and then I went back to my room. I put on a black Doctor Who shirt that had an angel and then "Don't Blink" written on it. I put on a pair of black ripped jeans that had safety pins stuck in them and then some black knee high converse. I clasped the silver necklace that had a DW hung on it. 

I blow dried my hair and then straightened it. The blue was fading a little and my brown roots starting showing a little through the blonde. No one would notice though. I'm going to have to dye it again, yay. 

I hope I would see Andy today. I wonder what he would think of me right now, of how I looked I mean. Probably make some snide comment. 

Snapping me out of my thoughts, my phone started playing Love Don't Roam by Murray Gold. That meant Conner was calling. I pressed the answer button and then put it to my ear.

"Hey, what's up?" I said.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come over. I'm kind of lonely..."

I smiled. "Well, you're going to have to be lonely until tonight. Sorry darlin'." 

"Aw. Okay, well I'm looking forward to it. Bye sweetie," he said then he hung up. I loved how he'd call me and say that he was lonely. That has been happening a lot recently. 

I tossed my phone on my bed and then went downstairs. Ash was sprawled out on his stomach on the couch watching some TV show. I ran to the kitchen and got my Ben 'N Jerry's then went to the living room. I sat on Ash's back which startled him. 

"Get off of me!" he yelled. "Uhhhhhhhhhhh......no," I answered. I put my ice cream on the table and then lied down on top of him. 

"Please?" he pleaded. We paused and then we busted out laughing. While we did that, he turned and I fell on the floor. We laughed again. He got on top of me and put his hands on my wrist. "This is what you get for sitting on me," he said.

"Correction, sitting and laying on you," I replied. He smirked. Suddenly, Andy came downstairs. He was rubbing his eyes and then he said, "I heard laughing and yelling s-" He looked at us. "Ash, what are you doing?" 

"Nothing," Ash replied. He rolled off of me and then helped me get up. I grabbed my ice cream, flashed a smile at Andy, and then I went back to my room. I flopped on my bed and then flipped on the TV. I watch reruns of Supernatural for a while then I realized that I still had to tell the guys that Conner's coming over later. Shit.

I rolled off my bed and then went over to the door. I ran downstairs and saw everyone sitting on the couch. They looked at me. "Hey," Jinxx greeted. "Hey, um, I've got something to tell you," I said. "What's that?" they said in unison. 

"Um, well...I've kind of got a...uh....boyfriend." 

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