☠Chapter 15

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 "Uh, yes!" I said. He smiled at that and I heard multiple feet running downstairs, it sounded like a stampede. "Ow," CC said. I turned around to see the guys with saddened and shocking looks on their faces, and CC on the floor. 

I told Conner to go home and he did just that, then I had to talk to the guys. 

"Guys," I started. Andy's expression was blank, but you could still tell that he was sad. I didn't want to deal with him right now. "Why are you leaving us?" Ashley asked. 

I sighed. "Because I love him," I answered. As soon as I said that, Andy got up and left. They're expressions now were worse. He stomped up the stairs and slammed the door to his room. 

I stood up. "Okay, someone tell me what his problem is! He hasn't talked to me in months and it shouldn't bother me but it does! The old me would probably be jumping for joy right now, but this is just ridiculous!" I said, almost screaming at them. 

They all were taken back at this. I heard someone sigh. "I don't know, he won't tell us," Jake told me.

"Well, I'm just going to have to find out then," I replied while running up the stairs. I knocked on Andy's door and asked him if I could come in. He didn't answer, so I just went in anyway. 

There was Andy sitting on his bed, face down in a pillow. I could hear him sigh. "What do you want?" he asked, muffled by the pillow. "Finally, you talk to me," I answered. I close the door and lay beside him.

"Why did you leave?" I questioned. It took him awhile to respond, physically and verbally. He rolled over and looked at me. 

"Because..." he began. He hesitated. "Oh, fuck it," and then he kissed me. It took me a minute to do something, and I did. . . I kissed back. He got over me and put my wrists above my head, so I couldn't do anything about this. 

He moved one of his hands down my torso and started pulling up my shirt. He pulled away and put his forhead to mine. "Andy. . ." I said. He looked at me. "Yeah?" His gravely voice echoed around the room. ". . .Get off of me," I replied calmly. He did as he was told. 

I couldn't do this. I'm with Conner and I hate Andy. . .right? Yeah, I hate him, I think. Ugh, I can't argue with myself right now. I fixed my shirt and got off of his bed and went out of his room and into mine. I shut the door and then flopped on my bed and hugged my Pikachu. 

"I should never have agreed to live with them in the first place," I whispered.

*Few months later*

"Conner!" I yelled.  "Yeah?!" he said, entering our room from the bathroom. "Wanna watch Paranorman with me?" I asked. He smiled and flopped on the bed next to me. "Sure babe," he smiled.

We watched the movie and then I suggested we go out to dinner. He agreed. I put on a destroyed red dress, black and red high heeled Mary Jane's, a Lolita witch bracelet, and a lace and chain choker. 

We went to some fancy Italian restaurant, one where you practically had to wear a tux to get into.

As we were getting up to leave, Conner stopped me. "What's wrong?" I asked him. 

Then, he asked me something I never thought would come out of his mouth.


Oooh, are you wondering what he asked? I hope so. Anyway, sorry for the wait, so yeah. :3

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