☠Chapter 7

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Max's POV:

I woke up and looked over at my clock. It said 11:00. It was get dark outside. I was extremely tired. I managed to sneak out of my room and take a shower. I wrapped a towel around me and then tip-toed back into my room, locking the door. 

I threw the towel on the ground and walked over to my dresser, pulling out a Doctor Who t-shirt and blue plaid pajama pants. I pulled the blanket back and threw the extra pillows on the floor, leaving only 2 on the bed. I grabbed my journal from my mantel and started to draw. I drifted off to sleep and started to dream...

*The dream*

Andy walked into my room and shut the door, locking it behind him. I sat there on my bed looking at him. He shoved me down on the bed and I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge. He was on top of me now. He looked at me for a long then he......

I woke up out of breath. I didn't want to know what happened next in the dream. I glanced at the clock. It was around 1:00. Shit, I've got to get up. I looked at the mirror and noticed I had bed head but I didn't care.

I walked out and down the stairs to find all the guys and Sammi sitting there. I walked into the kitchen and got the Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream I hid in the freezer. I tore off the top and grabbed a spoon and stuck it in the ice cream. Everyone stared at me. 

"What? Can't a girl eat ice cream without everyone looking at her?" I remarked. They all immediately went back to watching TV.  I ran back upstairs and into my bedroom. I shut the door and then turned on the TV and noticed Doctor Who was on. 

It was The Girl In The Fireplace and it was my favorite scene. When the Doctor returns to the fireplace, however, he finds Reinette is not there to meet him, having died in the six years since the Doctor's last visit. (A/N: Oooh sorry. Spoiled it for you guys who haven't seen it. Still a great episode though.)

I could understand. I felt like Reinette. She was only being used but there was someone else there for her. Someone who actually cared. She was never scared though. Because she believed someone was there to save her, but death caught her in the end.

The door opened and Sammi walked in. "Hey!" she squealed as she ran to give me a hug. I laughed. She sat down next to me. "So...you and Andy?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. She picked up my notebook off of the floor and showed it to me and I realized what I drew last night.... (A/N: Picture on the side!)

"Oh yeah! Happy birthday!" she shrieked, giving me another hug. I thanked her and hugged her back. I released and then grabbed my notebook and pulling out the page and then putting it in my dresser drawer.

"Okay, well I have to get dressed and you have to get out," I said, pushing her out of the room. She took my ice cream.

I locked the door and then put on a pair of black ripped jeans, a long blue tie-dye shark bite tank, and black converse. I straightened my hair and ran a brush through it, then went over to put on my bracelets that I always wore to cover up my scars.

I put on some blue eyeshadow that agreed with my shirt and some lip gloss. I looked good today, usually I don't think like that but, damn. I've never worn this shirt or pants anyway.

I went over to the door, unlocked it and then ran downstairs. "Happy birthday!" CC yelled. He came to me and gave me a big hug. "Thanks!" I pulled away and then went to go sit on one of the black leather couches in the room. I sat right in between Ashley and Andy, even though I'm pissed at him.

We sat there for a while, watching TV and talking. It was around 5:00 when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I said, getting up and walked to the door. There was Alana. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" she screamed in my face. I laughed. "Come on!" she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. "Bye....apparently!" I fare welled. 

She took me to the mall and then went into one of the dress shops in there. "Oh, Ally! You know I hate dresses!" I complained. "I don't care. We're buying you a new outfit." I hate her sometimes.

She bought me a black dress (A/N: That will be shown later.....), black high heels, and diamond heart necklace and earrings. 

It took us forever to find something, because I was being "such a bitch" as Alana put it. We finally walked out of the mall and drove back to my house. It was around 7:00 when we got back home. I didn't see any cars in the driveway, great. They left on my birthday.

I put the key in the lock, turned it and opened the door. I turned on the light.


Tons of people were here, and I knew all of them. Most of them were my high school friends and the 3 people I hated most. But I didn't mind. I put on a huge smile and then said "Oh my god."

We were all here for awhile when Andy decided to talk to me. He pulled me into the dining room and pulled out something that was wrapped in black and white floral paper. It had a red bow in the top right corner.

"What's this?" I asked, smiling a little. "Open it." I flipped it over and tore off the paper, it was a book. I realized which book. The Man Of la Mancha. "I've been wanting this forever!" I shrieked. "Thank you!!"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and and hugged him. Shockingly, he hugged back. I released and then he gently grabbed the book from me and opened the cover. He set the book on the table and then walked out of the room and I thought he turned a bright red.

I walked over to the table and then, I read it. 

To: Mackenzie

I know you've been wanting this book for awhile and took me a long time to find this but I did. I think I should just blurt it all out. Max...I love you. I've been in love with you for a long time and I understand why you hate me. I wish I could've figured out my feelings for you sooner, maybe it would've changed things. Right? And bye the way, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. All the fights I've started, the time I made you and Brian break up, when I destroyed stuffed your lion. Everything. I hope you can forgive me, even though I don't deserve it. I love you, though I know you don't love me back. 

- Andy

Did he really write this? H-he loves me. I shut the book and then turned around and saw Alana there behind me. "Aww," she purred. "Shut up," I snapped. She pulled me out of the dining room and upstairs. Everyone was still here, drinking and chatting. I glanced over at Ashley and saw that he was hitting on Katie. Who's a total bitch by the way.

She pushed me into my room and shut the door behind her. She gave me a devilish smile. "What?" I questioned. She kept smiling. "What?!" "You're in love with Andy." WHAT?! "Oh my God. I am NOT in love with Andy!" I said. She stared at me. "WHAT?!" She started walking to me.

"Who you think you're kiddin'? He's the Earth and Heaven to you, try to keep it hidden. Honey, we can see right through you," she sang. "STOP!" I yelled. "Girl, you can't conceal it. We know how ya feel and who you're thinkin' of!" 

"Ugh!" I fell back on my bed and put a pillow over my face and screamed into it. "I'm not in love with him." "Give up. Give in. Check the grin you're in love," she sung.

"I'M NOT!" I shrieked, my voice muffled by the pillow. She pulled the pillow off of my face and then sat me up right. She flopped on he bed landing right beside me. "Girl, don't be proud. It's okay, you're in love." I let out a sigh. 

"At least at loud, I won't say I'm in love," I finally sung along. I only did that to please her. 

(A/N: How'd you like it? The song is from Hercules in case you were wondering. I hope you thought it was funny, because I did. I had to stop and laugh right in the middle of this, Lol.)

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