☠Chapter 14

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They gaped at me. "What?" I asked after a moment. They all, kind of, snap back into reality. Ash shook his head a little. "Wait...what?" he said. 

"Am I not allowed to have a boyfriend?" I asked, being extremely serious. "Exactly!" they yelled at the same time. 

I winced at their shouts. "Guys, relax. You guys have had girlfriends!" I stopped for a second. "Well, most of you. Now, why can't I have a boyfriend?! He's really nice and sweet and I need the house tonight!" 

They look at me for that last part. "For what?" CC asked, obviously concerned about the reason I need to be alone. I looked at him with a blank expression. "He's coming over for supper and then dessert," I answered. They raised their brows. "LITERALLY!" I shouted.

We talked a little bit more, and I finally convinced them all to stay upstairs during tonight, they agreed. They all went upstairs, and a little while later, I heard a knock on the door. 

I shot up and opened it. There was Conner. He was wearing a black t-shirt with multi-colored hearts covering the middle and the sleeves stopped at his elbows. He was wearing deep purple skinny that matched a few of the hearts, a black belt, and black converse. Nothing fancy tonight. 

"Hey sweetie," I greeted as I kissed him softly. He kissed back and then pulled away after a brief moment. "Hey," he said. His brown hair was shining in the light. I let him in. "Pizza should be here in-" I was cut off by the ring of the doorbell. "Well, right now." I turned around and opened the door.

I got the pizza and set it down and then paid the guy. Why is it that whenever the pizza guy gets here, I treat it like a hostage exchange?

I sat it down on the coffee table and go to the kitchen to grab some paper plates and cokes. I walked back into the living room, but I look up the stairs to see the guys sitting there, eavesdropping. Really, guys? Really?

They all caught my eye. They smiled and waved at me. I gave them the evil eye and they stopped smiling and waving. I can't go one night without privacy. 

I put the pizza down on the coffee table and sat the drinks on the table. I opened my Dr. Pepper and he opened his drink.

"So, what have you been up to today?" I asked him as I got my pizza. I heard quiet sighs coming from upstairs. Are they seriously trying to guide me through this?

"Not much. Just work, people whispering behind my back, and now I'm here," he said. I laughed a little. "What?" he questioned. "Why are they whispering behind your back?" I replied while smiling. 

"I have no idea but I don't think it's anything good," he said. The night went something like that, just talking, me hearing occasional quiet sighs. The guys were probably just monitoring my date, making sure I wasn't doing anything. I and I wasn't. 

The date finished up and I walked Conner to the door and opened it. "Max, can I ask you something?" he said. "Sure! Go ahead!" I replied.

"Do you want to.....maybe....move in with me?" 

I Hate Everything About You (An Andy Biersack fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now