☠Chapter 16 *EDITED*

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He got down on one knee and pulled something out of his pocket. "Will you marry me?" he asked. I stand there, shocked at his question. 

I take a deep breath. "Yes, yeah I will marry you," I manage to choke out. We both smile and he puts the  ring on my finger and then he kisses me. 

As soon as we got home, I grabbed my phone and called everyone. The guys, Alana, my parents, yes I called my parents. I saved the guys for last, because I'm not sure how they'd take it. 

In the middle of the first ring, Ash picked up. "Hello?" he asked. "Hey, um, I've got some news," I told him. I could hear the phone being put on speaker. "What is it?" I grinned. "Well, uh, I'm sort of...now, engaged," I told them. 

I thought I heard CC squeal, but I wasn't too sure. "Really?" Jake said. "Yeah!" They all congratulated me, but I noticed one thing-- Andy wasn't there. 

"Hey, is Andy there?" They hesitated to respond. "No, he's out," Jinxx said. "Oh, well could one of you do me a favor and tell him to meet me at the Starbucks next Sunday at noon. I kind of. . ." I stopped myself. "You kind of what?" CC said. 

". . .Miss him," "Yeah, I'll tell him," Ashley answered after a moment. "Thanks, bye," I said and I ended the call. 

Andy's POV:

They all looked at me. I shook my head. "No, he's out," Jinxx lied. "Oh, well could one of you do me a favor and tell him to meet me at the Starbucks next Sunday at noon. I kind of. . ." She stopped. 

"You kind of what?" CC said as he glanced my way. ". . .Miss him," she continued. "Yeah, I'll tell him," Ashley answered after a moment. "Thanks, bye," and she hung up.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked me. No. "Yeah, I'm fine," I answered and I went upstairs to my room. I face planted into my pillow. I can't believe she's getting married to. . . Conner. I hated to even think about him. But at least I'll get to see her next Sunday. 

I walked up to the coffee shop and went in. I saw Max sitting at a table, clutching a coffee. Another one sat across from her. She saw me and motioned me over. I mentally smiled at that. 

"Hey," she greeted. "Hey," I said as I took my seat. I took a sip, made a disgusted face and put it back down. "I didn't know what kind of coffee you liked so I just guessed," she laughed. I chuckled. "Well, it's the thought that counts," I said.

She bit her lip. "What?" I asked. ". . .It's  just. . we're getting along," she pointed out. "We are, aren't we? No screaming at each other, or snide comments," I said. She nodded. "So, I've got some news," she said. Crap, I don't want to hear this again. 

"What is it?" Hell, why did I say that?! She held up her left hand. "I'm engaged," she grinned. I managed to put a smile on my face. "Congratulations," I managed to say. Her grin got even bigger. Then, her phone rang. She looked at it and she looked scared for a moment. She told me she had to go. "Oh, well okay." We both got up and hugged then she left.

I can't believe that she's marrying him.

Max's POV:

I slowly opened the door to the apartment that was on the 30th floor that I shared with him, well, more like "it." Conner's a monster. Ever since we got engaged, he's been. . .abusing me. Throwing things at me, hitting me, anything he could do to hurt me. And what's worse is he's sober while he's doing this. 

"Where've you been?" I see Conner walking out of the bedroom. "Just went to Starbucks to tell a friend about our engagement," I replied as calmly as I could. He pulled me into the bedroom and closed the door. "It was that kid, Andy, wasn't it?" he said.

I took a breath. "No," I lied. He doesn't like Andy, he doesn't even like me talking about him.

"Liar," he said. He smacked. I fell to the floor with my hand clutched at my cheek. He knelt down beside me. "You know not to lie to me." He gripped my hair and pulled up to his level. "Why can't you just do what I tell you to?!" he yelled at me. He threw me back to the floor and kicked me in my ribs. I yelp out in pain and my hand goes there. 

"You better be here when I get back," he said as he left the room. 

So, I cried. I cried until that monster came home. 

*Few months later*

It was around midnight. The night before the wedding. I looked at Conner, he was sound asleep. I gently crawled out of bed and went to the dresser. I grabbed a pair of my jeans and a jacket and slipped them over my PJ's. I was about to go get my shoes when I felt a hand grab my arm.

"What are you doing?" he said. I let out a small squeak. "Nothing," I lied. He let go. "You're leaving." He and I stared at each other.

Before I realized what happened, I was on the floor and felt a searing pain in my ribs. I gasped trying not to cry. I'll never give him that satisfaction.

"Are you still going to leave me?" he said, warning in his voice. I glared at him and nodded.

He kicked the same spot and I tried to blocked but he pulled my knees away from me and I screamed as loud as I could. He shoved his hand over my mouth and kneed my side, recieving a loud, choked groan from me.

He pulled his hand away.

"Are you going to leave me?" he said, venom dripping from his voice.

 I shook my head, the pain in my torso almost unbearable.

"Say it."

I shook my head again.

"Say it!"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and let out a shaky breath.

"I'll stay with you," I whimpered.

"Louder!" He bellowed.

"I'll stay with you!" I screamed, sobs erupting from my throat. He put me down and knelt in front of me. He brought me closer to him, into a hug. "Why can't you just obey, Max?" he whispered in my ear. I didn't shove him but I didn't lean into him either.  I just laid there.

He brought my head up and kissed me. I didn't do anything. He clutched my ribs, where it hurt, and I kissed him back. 

I can't believe I'm marrying him.

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