☠Chapter 17 (Last Chapter)

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I stand there in one of the rooms in the hotel. I look at myself in the mirror. I looked beautiful, yes, but I felt. . .sore. 

I couldn't get last night out of my head. He threatened to kill me. He almost did. 

Alana opened the door. I saw in the mirror that she was about to cry. "You look beautiful!" she said. I tried to smile but my face wouldn't allow it. "What's wrong, don't you agree?" she asked me.

"I do, I do," I reassured her. Everyone had come. My parents, his parents, some of his friends, some of mine, the guys. Well, almost everyone. Andy wasn't coming. 

Andy. He was all I could think about right now. I love him, so much. I know it now. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, but I couldn't back out of this wedding. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Anyway, it's time to go out," she said while grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. Soon, it was time for me to go out.

I took a deep breath and lifted my head up. I saw my dad take my arm. He gave me a smile, I manage to give one back. "Good luck," he said. "Thanks," I answered. We walked out and I saw everyone stand up. I saw the four guys in the front.

They all smiled at me. We got to the front and my dad gave me to Conner. I looked at Conner. Hatred filled my eyes, but he just seemed to ignored it.

The man, who I assume is Conner's friend, started speaking. I wasn't paying attention, but then Conner said, "I do." The man then turned to me and started speaking. I looked at Conner, then to everyone. Andy, I love him. I love Andy. Not Conner.

"I. . ." I began. My attention turned to the guys. They had concerned looks on their faces. 

"I. . .don't." I heard gasps as I looked back at the man and at Conner. "Conner, I hate you. I'm not going to marry you." I turned to everyone. Everyone was shocked. 

"This man," I point to Conner, "is a jackass. At first I thought he was nice and kind, but ever since we got engaged, he's been. . . hurting me. And I'm sick of it. Truth is, I love someone else. Anyway, I've got to go," I said and I ran down the aisle and out of the hotel. 

I looked both ways and felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and there was Ash. "Need a ride?" He must've known who I was talking about. I smiled. "Thanks," I said. He drives me back to the house, and I get out, but he doesn't. 

I gave him a questioning look. "Go inside!" he yelled. I grinned at him. I run to the door and open it. There was Andy, sitting on the couch. He looked at me and stood up.

I walked over to him. "I love you, you bastard," I told him. He looked at me. "Good, because I love you, too." He pulled me in and he kissed me. 

Right at that moment, I knew everything's going to be okay.

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