☠Chapter 10

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There was a long silence between us, well until Andy said something. "Why are you mad at me?" he asked.What? Did he really say that? He says he loves me but really, he's in love with his fucking girlfriend, Juliet!

"You really don't know why?!" I yelled. He winced. I could feel my face get red with anger as I stood up.

"You give me a book that says you love me and then a few days later I see you sucking face with your girlfriend! That's the reason I've been ignoring you until yesterday because Alana just had to make me talk to you! Well, in front of you!" I screamed in his face.

"Before that, for 2 whole fucking years you act like you hate me! Then you have the nerve to tell me you love me?! What the fuck, Andy?! Did you really expect me to love you back?! You are such a dumb ass! You may treat every other person with respect and care but with me, you're a bitch! You're one of the fucking reasons why I self harm! You know what Andy?! I'm done with this! I'm done with you!"

Sadness appeared on his face. He then looked over at the front door. I looked too. There were the rest of the guys, shocked. 

I was standing there, pissed off and angry. I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. I locked it and then ran over to my bed and screamed into my stuffed Pikachu. I threw it across the room and it knocked The Man Of La Mancha off of the dresser. 

I sat up. I looked at the book on the floor. I fell onto the floor and grabbed the music box under my bed. I took my key from around my neck and unlocked it. I opened it up and the ballerina started spinning and Moonlight Sonata started to play. I reached into the top drawer and pulled a small blade.

I closed the box and then leaned my back against my bed. I pulled off every single one of my bracelets revealing a number of scars on my wrist. I put the blade to my wrist. The coolness felt good on it. I gripped the blade tighter and conjured up the courage to slide it across my wrist.

I made a few more and stopped. Blood was dripping down onto my pantleg and I layed my head back onto my bed. I used an extra towel I hid to dry it up. It eventually stopped bleeding. I grabbed the blade and made one more cut, but this time, it didn't stop bleeding. This one hurt, a lot. I dropped the blade onto the floor. 

I think I hit a vein. I could feel my knees get weak and a struck of fear hit me. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to bust out of my chest. I started crying. I managed to get up and unlock the door and run downstairs. I could hear my heartbeat punding in my ears. 

The guys looked at me and then my wrist. "Max...what did you..." I thought I heard Ashley say. "Guys....I think...I hit a vein...." I said then I could feel my body hit the floor and then my vision started to fade. The last thing I saw was Andy falling to the floor in front of me. 

"Max! Max! You're going to be okay!" he said and then black.

I Hate Everything About You (An Andy Biersack fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now