☠Chapter 3

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(A/N: I PROMISE I'll put Andy's point of view eventually. Probably around chapter 5 or 6. I've been doing Max's for a few reasons.....Anyway! I hope you enjoy this chapter!)


I woke up the next morning in Ashley's arms. He was still asleep. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 7:30. Damn it's early.

I pulled myself out of Ash's arms and sat up against the tree, waiting until he woke up. I felt my phone vibrate and saw I had text from Jake. 

'Where are you?'  I read. I didn't bother to text back, I just wanted to be alone with Ashley. I looked down at him.  I saw his eyes slowly open. "Morning," he greeted while sitting up. "Hey," I replied. 

I looked at the reflection in my phone, my eyes were red from when I cried myself to sleep last night. I know it's seems I overreacted, and I did but there's a few reasons. For one, I almost let my secret slip. A secret I haven't told anyone, until today.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine," I lied. And he bought it. I put my phone back in my pocket, grabbed my jacket and slipped it on. Ash stood up and offered me his hand, which I gladly took. 

He lead me to his car and as I soon as I closed the door he had to say it. "Why were you mad at Andy?" Oh God, do I really have to answer this? 

I didn't reply. "Ash, can I tell you something? Something that you can't mention to anyone," I said. "Yeah, what's wrong? You can tell me anything," he answered.

I didn't know how to say it. 'Just tell him. But if I do, then he might......no, he wouldn't,' I thought.

"Um...." I began. "Yeah?" Why is this so hard?! I started messing with the key that hung around my neck. It was a key to another secret I had. I always wore it.

"Never mind, I'll tell you once I build up the courage to," I finally said. He looked concerned but then he shrugged and started the car.  He drove to the diner Alana worked at, but she didn't work today.

I pulled me inside and sat us down in a booth. "I'll be right back, stay there," he pointed to me as he walked away. I looked out the window and waited for him to get back. "Okay, I placed our order, now tell me," he said.

"Tell you what?" I asked as if not knowing what he was talking about. "You know." Ugh. I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. "Okay, well um..." I started. "Yeah?" "Don't hate me for this but I-" I was interrupted by a waitress setting our food and drinks down on the table. "Thanks," I thanked her. She nodded and walked away.

Oh, how I regret bringing this up. "So? Can you please tell me? I'm dying to know!" he begged.

"Ash.......I," I stopped. I stared down at my hands. I started playing with my bracelets. It was really hard to say this.


(A/N: Next chapter will be up on Saturday!)

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