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"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated."

~ Coretta Scott King

I looked out the window as my mom drove to our destination: our new house. I sighed slightly. I really never wanted to move to Australia but my mom wanted to escape all the trouble back in New York. The trouble or reason we left everything is because of him. Dad. I felt anger boil through me thinking about my father who supposedly loved us.

I felt tears fall down my face. He was cheating on my mom with our neighbor, Marilyn. My mom divorced my dad and he took my only siblings. He took the house, the money, and everything else except me. The father that cared for me, who loved me, who was always there, is now gone. I...I hate him.

Why did he have to cheat? Why? I closed my eyes and stayed in deep thought. Did he not love my mom like he used to? I then felt the car stop.

"We're here," my mom says sighing. I got out the car and helped pull out some of our belongings. We already have the place furnished but we didn't send our clothes over here. I grabbed everything that was in the car and brought it inside. I yawned and stretched my body.

I walked into the living room and found my mom fast asleep. I grabbed a blanket and tucked her in. She's been really stressed these few weeks. I kissed her forehead and went up to my room. I looked around in my massive room which was painted turquoise. I smiled knowing it was my favorite color. I walked around and found a bathroom. I squealed. I finally have my own privacy.

I grabbed my phone and checked to see if I had any messages or missed calls.

Faith 💕

Hey, text me when you can, Hope. I miss you.

I felt my eyes become glossy. I miss her. My twin sister. I smiled at the message. I quickly sent her a new message.


Hey, I miss you too. I'll call you when I finish unpacking. Okay?

Faith 💕

Okay. You know we just copied the 'Okay? Okay.' thing from The Fault In Our Stars right?

I smiled. When I began to unzip my suitcase, I was startled by the sound of the doorbell. Really? I ran down the stairs and opened the door and saw some guy about my age. He was just smiling at me. "May I help you?" I ask getting a little impatient.

"I came to bring the new neighbors a pie," he says holding up a pie close to my face. "Thanks," I say grabbing the pie. I quickly brought it into the kitchen. "Nice house," says a voice behind me. I jumped and turned to see that guy. Yeah, just let yourself in kid. "Thanks," I mumbled. "So, did you just move here?" he asks. "No, I just broke into this house," I say sarcastically. "You don't have to be so rude," he says frowning.

God, I hate him. "Okay, whatever your name is can you get out of my house," I say getting aggravated. "It's Luke Hemmings," he says. "Get out," I say gritting through my teeth. "Fine," he says raising his hands in defeat as he left. As soon as he walked out, I slammed the door shut and sighed.

I ran upstairs into my bedroom and finished unpacking. I called my sister and talked for a bit and then hung up because of the different time zones. I then heard shouting and laughing. I looked out the window and saw that Luke guy with three other guys goofing off. I shut my curtains and lied on my bed thinking about tomorrow: my first day at a new school. I then fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up in the morning feeling groggy. I groaned as I rolled off the bed. I checked the time and saw it was 6:00 A.M. I got up and took a quick shower. After my shower, I changed into the school outfit I had chosen for school today. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I walked down stairs and saw my mother drinking coffee.

"Good morning," I say grabbing some cereal from the pantry. "Good morning, Hope," she says taking a sip of the dark liquid. I grabbed a bowl, spoon, and milk. "Are you ready for school today?" she asks sitting down in front of me. "I don't know," I say putting the stuff up.

"Oh," she says. I quickly stuff my face with the delicious cereal. "So, is that young man that came over your new friend?" she asks. I spit my cereal. "What?" I ask. "Is that young man your new friend?" she repeats. "No, he's just some annoying neighbor," I say cleaning up the mess.

"Don't worry sweetie. Just go to the bus stop before your late," she says moving me out of the way. I grab my book sack and ran out the door. I kept running until I bumped into someone. I fall on the ground and look up to see the person I didn't want to see. Luke.

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