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Hope's POV

"Hello," I say. "Hope?" he says. I felt my heart drop. My hands shook violently. I almost dropped the phone from the shock. "Hope?" he repeats. I sat down still shaking. "Hello David," I say shakily. David. My nightmare. My torturer. My hell on earth. My ex-boyfriend.

"Hello beautiful how are you?" he asks in his deep raspy voice. I shake at the word beautiful. "H-How do you have my number?" I stutter. "I have my ways," he says. I sit down on the couch trembling in fear. "I just wanted to check on my girlfriend," he says.

"I am not your girlfriend. I broke up with you last year," I spit at him. "Tsk tsk what a shame that you left me but don't worry. I'll be back for you soon, love," he says in his deep British accent.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I say as tears stream down my face. "It wouldn't be fun if I left you alone," he says laughing like a maniac. "You are sick!" I yell at him. "I will punish you for what you said to me!" he screeches at me. "I'm calling the police," I say as my finger floated over the end call button. "Too bad they will only find your dead body at the scene," he says laughing.

I freeze. He's in the house. My house. I move my feet but it feel like an eternity before I run out out of the door. I run to Calum's house across the street and knock on the door. "Please open," I whisper as the tears stream down my face. I see the door open and I run inside and jump behind the couch.

"What's wrong?" Calum asks looking sleepy.

"H-He's in my house," I stutter. "Who?" Calum asks looking worried. "My ex-boyfriend David," I say. His face shows many emotions as he processes the information. I felt my phone vibrate in my pants.


Shouldn't have done that,love.

I put my phone up and look at Calum who has the phone in his hands. I listened to him as he told the dispatcher all the information. A few minutes later, the sound of sirens and the glowing red and blue lights appeared. I ran out of the door and saw the police in my house. They walked out empty handed.

I froze in place. He's still out there. Waiting for me. The rush of emotions was unbearable. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turn and look into his deep brown eyes. Calum looked down to look at me. "I won't let him take you without a fight," he whispers in my ear.

I look up at him and smile. He's always there for me when I need him. I then do the unexpected. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately.

Luke's POV

I crumbled the drawing of her and threw in the trash. It's been a whole fucking day since I've seen Hope freaking Lancaster. She had left me at the freaking party. Alone. I pulled our another sheet of paper and tried to draw her again. That's when I heard the sirens. I looked out the window and saw a dark figure running towards the back of Hope's house. Wtf?!

I brushed by my brothers' rooms and walked down the stairs quietly. I opened the front door and saw the police everywhere in front of Hope's house. What the hell happened? I shut the door behind me and saw the police tape everywhere around her house.

I walked up to a police officer. His dark brown hair looked messy while he wrote down a few things. "What's going on?" I ask him. He looks up at me and goes back to writing. "I am not authorized to give that information," he says. "Not authorized my ass. Tell me," I say scowling.

He glares at me and sighs. "A young man broke into a young lady's house but she luckily escaped before he could hurt her," he says. Hope. Hope was in the house and a stranger was going to hurt her.

I felt the rush of emotions overcome me. The world around me spun quickly. Where is she? I walk around shakily looking for her. I bump into some police officers as I walk around. Hope. Hope. Hope. She is all I can think about.

I turn and freeze. I felt my heart shatter at what I just saw. I walk away from the scene with no emotion to show. Hope kissed Calum fucking Hood. He's a dead man.

Hope's POV

When I broke from the kiss, I realized something. I didn't feel the sparks or the "magic" I had felt with Luke. Luke. I looked up at Calum who was smiling at me. Calum. Sweet, caring, innocent Calum. I felt uneasy about what I had done.

Luke. Luke. Luke. He was all I could think about. I wonder where he was now. "I'm going to check on Luke," I say to Calum. He nods his head and smiles at me. I walk over to his house and knock on the door. A guy opens the door yawning and stretching. "Can I help you?" he asks sleepily. "I want to talk to Luke," I say uneasily.

"Luke!" he yells. "What? Leave me the fuck alone Ben!" Luke yells harshly. "A girl want to talk to you!" he yells back. "I'm coming," I hear Luke say coldly. Luke walks down the stairs with a cold expression on his face. Ben glares at Luke and walks away.

"What do you want?" Luke asks coldly. "I just wanted to see how you are doing," I say. "I'm fine," he says harshly. "Well, it doesn't seem like it," I say. "Just stay out of my business and go fuck Calum," he says coldly as his blue eyes bore into my eyes.

I freeze. He saw me kiss Calum. He saw me kiss Calum. "What?" I say. "Don't act stupid. I saw you kiss that little motherfucker," he says scowling. "What is wrong with you?!" I yell at him. "What is wrong with you?!" he yells at me. I stare at him feeling my eyes become glossy.

"Just stay out of my life," he murmurs slamming the door shut. I stood there emotionless. I felt my heart pound harder and harder. Everything became blurry. My hearing making me partially deaf. Everything spun around faster and faster. I felt myself fall on the paved driveway and black out with only one thing on my mind.


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