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Wedding Day

I clutched onto my long mermaid style white dress as Sam fixed my hair. Sam is my bride of honor since my twin couldn't make it sadly. The rest of the girls are my bridesmaids chattering away in their blue dresses that I had chosen. "Done," she says finishing the final hairspray layer. My dad walked in looking in awe.

Sam walked out grinning at my dad. "Who knew the day I would walk my daughter down the aisle would be today?" he says chuckling and groaning. "Dad, to be honest I'm not sure if I really want to marry Calum," I say feeling relief. "Hope, I'm okay with whatever you think. Even if you run off with someone else, I wouldn't care because I know you make the right choices most of the time," he says.

He checks the time. "I think it's time for our grand entrance," he says chuckling nervously. We walk in and standing there were the bridesmaids and groomsmen, my family, Calum's family, and my own. I felt like I couldn't move or speak. My dad practically dragged me to the altar. And there he stood. Calum was in his tux fairly groomed.

He gave me a huge smile making me uneasy. Is this the right choice? My dad passed me to Calum who gladly took my hands. "Are you okay?" he whispers. "I'm just nervous," I whisper back. The priest carried on about love and our story.

I felt impatient and nervous all at once. "Calum Hood do you take Hope Lancaster to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asks turning to Calum.

"I do," he says turning to me with sparkling eyes. "Hope, do you take Calum-" "STOP!" A loud voice interrupts the wedding. I turn and my face pales. Luke. He walks down the aisle throwing down his leather jacket. He pulls me aside.

"Luke, you are making a scene," I whisper yell to him. "I don't care what these people think," he says. "You are ruining my wedding day," I say. "Hope, I'm deeply in love with you, okay? I would jump off a mountain, a cliff, anything for you. I spent 5 damn years thinking about you. I haven't dated anyone since. I want you and to only be with you. Please don't make this mistake," he says begging. He gets on his knees.

"Luke, what are you doing?" I ask. "Please, be with me. I need you. I can't live without you. Hope, please. I love you," he says his eyes brimmed with tears. "Luke, I-I" I stutter unsure. The attention and decision is on me. I must decide.

"Luke," I say. He looks at me with hope and desperation in his eyes. "I'll go with you," I whisper. He stands up and looks at me surprised. "You will?" he asks. "Of course," I say turning to the church.

They watched me. Calum's family was disappointed and angry. My family, well dad, looked at me proudly. My friends were giving me the thumbs up. Calum hesitantly nodded his head as if he was giving me permission to go. Luke pulled me out of the church. Away from the people close to us.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I hop onto the back of his motorcycle clutching onto the wedding dress. "Where life takes us," he replies. With that we drove off away from Sydney. Away from the world around us and into our own little world with two children later on in our life. Children that we created. This is the end of my story. The end of Luke and I's story.


(A/N~ I literally cried writing this. Well, this is the end of my book. No, I'm not writing a sequel sadly for those who are wondering. Even if you beg and hate on me, I just can't continue this book. I'm out of ideas for this but more ideas for other books that I will write after I finish Living In London (Not going to have a sequel either). I just can't write sequels because it's so hard to think of more things to add in the characters' lives. Well, thanks for reading. I love you all even my haters, them twats, because they are fans afraid to speak up because they follow the crowd. Thank you, readers for reading this. I'm so thankful that you all read my book even though it's not like After (A book I recommend that you should read). THANK YOU!!!!! IYASM!!!!😍😘✌️)

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