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"Just stay out of my life," he murmurs slamming the door shut. I stood there emotionless. I felt my heart pound harder and harder. Everything became blurry. My hearing making me partially deaf. Everything spun around faster and faster. I felt myself fall on the paved driveway and black out with only one thing on my mind.

Calum's POV

I stood there amazed at what just happened. Hope freaking kissed me. It. Felt. Amazing. I stood there dazed. I shook myself of the daze and saw that Hope was gone. She had told me something about Luke... I walked to his house and saw Hope lying on the doorstep not moving.

What. Is. Happening. I turned towards Luke's door. I felt the anger boil in me. I pounded on the door and I heard groaning. I saw Luke open the door looking pissed. I punched him in the face. "What the hell Calum!" he yells at me. "Do you know what you did to Hope?" I say pissed. "What about the bitch," he says.

I punch him in the face. He looks at me beyond angry. He punches me in the face. I kick him where the sun don't shine and he fell on the floor. "She's freaking unconscious because of what you did to her!" I screech at him. He looks at me. "I did nothing to her!" he yells at me.

I grab him by his shirt collar and pull him outside towards Hope who laid there not moving. His face turned pale like he saw a ghost. "I-I" "I-I what Luke? She is not fucking moving," I say cutting him off. I picked up her small frail body and ran towards the ambulance. The paramedics looked at me bewildered.

"I found her like this," I say as my eyes became glossy. They grabbed her body from me and began working on her. They slammed the door in my face and drove off with Hope and her lifeless body. I fell on the floor crying. I felt someone beside me. I turn my head and see Luke.

"What do you want?"I ask gritting my teeth. "Look, I was having an argument with her and I may have said something I shouldn't have said. I slammed the door shut and then a few minutes later you beat m up," he says sighing as he runs his hands through his hair.

"What did you say to her?" I ask trying to stay calm. "I said to just stay out of my life," he says looking pissed at himself. "You messed up big time," I say.

Luke's POV

You messed up big time. Calum's words ran through my mind as I looked out the window. I did mess up with Hope. I sighed as I sat in the car with a very pissed Calum. His hands tightened on the steering wheel as we drove to the hospital. "Fuck," he mumbled every few minutes.

I looked out the window at the beautiful nighttime sky with the pale white moon's light shining on me. When we arrived at the hospital, Calum got out quick and slammed his door shut. I got out quietly and followed behind him. We walked in getting a few stares from the doctors and nurses.

"We are here to see Hope Lancaster," he says to the lady at the desk. "Room 345," she says tiredly as she took a sip of coffee. We took the elevator up only hearing the little noise the elevator made when it reached a floor. We walked out in silence and found her room easily.

We walked in and found her staring out the window. She turns her attention to us and frowns slightly. "Who are you?" she asks curiously. I felt everything freeze. What the hell happened to her?

Hope's POV

I woke up in a hospital room and saw a doctor who looked sprayed tanned a bright orange color and had bright green eyes. I frowned at him as his bright white smile blinded me. "Hello Hope," he says grabbing a clipboard. Hope. That's right. My name is Hope.

"Hello umm," I say unsure of his name. "Dr. Johnson," he says. I frown at him as he looks at his orange skin. I'm going to call him Dr. Carrot. "Okay," I say. "Do you remember anything?" he asks. I think. My name is Hope. "My name but that is it," I say sighing.

He frowns. "When you fainted, you hit your head and I guess it gave you temporary memory loss," he says. "So I don't even remember my family or my friends," I say feeling nervous. "Don't worry. It should take about a week and you will have your memory back," he says.

He quickly walks out and shuts the door behind him. I look out the window and shut my eyes. "God, please let me remember what I don't. Please," I whisper. I pray silently and open my eyes as the moonlight flashes on me.

I hear the door creak open and see two guys walk in. I frown at them. They looked familiar but I don't quite remember... "Who are you?" I ask them. I look at the blonde guy with blue eyes and see him freeze in place. His face expression was unreadable. "I'm Calum and this Luke," he says gesturing. I nod my head. The names seem familiar... "You don't remember us," the blonde who I think is Luke says. "No, I'm sorry," I say sighing in frustration.

His eyes showed his emotions easily. It showed anger, sadness, and many others in one second. He then just walked out. I frowned. The other guy stared at me and ran his hands through his messy dark hair. He sighs. "Are you sure you don't remember me?" he asks.

I close my eyes and try to remember. I felt a flash through my mind.

I got on the bus and sat in the back. I pulled out my headphones and plugged it into my phone. I began to listen to some music when some guy sat by me. "Sorry, there is no other seat," he says turning to me. He looked familiar. "It's fine," I say smiling.

"Are you new?" he asks. "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday," I say. He runs his hands through his hair. "Well, I'm Calum," he says. "I'm Hope," I say smiling. I looked over at another seat and saw Luke scowling at Calum and I. I ignored him and turned back to Calum who was on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Just putting myself in your contacts," he says smiling at me. "Give me your phone," I say. He hands me his phone and I add myself as 'Da Boss' in his contacts. "Here," I say handing him his phone back.

He hands me mine. I look through my contacts and see he added himself as 'Calum The Sexy Beast.' I laugh. "Why did you put 'Calum The Sexy Beast'? I ask. "Cause I would be lying if I said I was ugly," he says winking at me. "Oh," I say smiling. "Why are you 'Da Boss'?" he asks. "Cause I would be lying if I said I was a slave," I say in mocking tone. "Funny," he says making a weird face.

"You're weird," I say. "Nope, I'm Calum Hood," he says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I look up into his brown warm eyes. "Calum," I whisper.

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