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I paced around the room trying to decide. Calum, he was sweet, innocent, caring, very jealous, makes me laugh all the time... Luke, he was the opposite but I felt attracted to him somehow. Calum. Luke. Calum. Luke. "Urg," I groan. I then heard a soft knock. "Come in," I say throwing myself on the bed. I then saw a familiar pink highlights.

"Sam?" I say. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks frowning. "I have to pick between Calum and Luke," I groan. "Oh," she says wiggling her eyebrows. "I don't know who to chose," I groan. "Chose who you are really attracted to," she says. "How?" I ask. "Let them take you on a date today," she says. "Isn't that weird though," I say raising an eyebrow.

"What?" she asks confused. "Both of them taking me out on a date on the same day," I say. "If you make it weird then yes," Sam says. I chuckle. "Okay. Can you tell them? Please," I ask with puppy eyes. "Fine," she says rolling her eyes as she leaves the room. Time to get ready. For two dates. Oh boy.

Luke's POV

Sam came down the stairs grinning and skipping. "Hey, Calum and Luke I need to talk to you both," she says cheerily. I look at Calum who is following her outside. I shrug and follow her outside. "She told me to tell you both that you have to take her on a date tonight," she says folding her arms over her chest.

"What?" Calum and I say at the same time. "Take her out on a date tonight at different times," she says. "What will this do?" Calum asks. "It will help her decision," she says. Calum stares at her like she is crazy. I am going to win her heart. Not Calum. Me and only me.

Hope's POV

I wore a black dress with diamonds around my waist. My hair was curled to almost perfection and I tried to keep my makeup perfect with me being OCD and all. A knock was heard at my door.

"Come in," I say. Calum walks in and stared at me wide eyed. "Hey," I say. "H-Hey," he stuttered. I chuckled. "I'm guessing we are going out first," I say. "Yeah," he says still not over me. He leads me downstairs and we walk out the front door.


We came back bursting in laughter. "I-I can't believe you really said that," I say laughing uncontrollably. "I know right," he says sighing. I heard a cough. "Luke," I say taking in his appearance. His hair was in a perfect quiff and he was dressed nicely.

"Hi," I breathed. "Time for us to go," he says pulling me away from Calum. We walked out the front door hand in hand. We got in his car and he drove away.


We came back holding hands, perfectly fitting into each other. I let go once he opened the door. We walked in silently. The spotlight was on me once again. "Who do you chose?" Luke asks almost pleading. "I chose-" "Stop," she says pointing a gun at me.

I turn my head to face my psychotic mom. "Hello dear," she says giving me a Cheshire Cat smile. I gulp knowing I may not live tonight...

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