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He puts his hand in my face. I look up at him annoyed. "I can get up myself," I say getting up. "Watch where you're going," he says. I roll my eyes and walk to the bus stop. I wait until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump in surprise. I turn and see Luke. "Hey," I say sourly.

"I just want to apologize," he says. "I accept your apology," I murmur. "Thanks," he says. We stay quiet for a bit. "You're not even going to be my friend?" he asks looking confused. "Look, just because I accepted your apology doesn't mean I'm your friend," I say sounding bitter. Before he could say anything, the bus came.

I got on the bus and sat in the back. I pulled out my headphones and plugged it into my phone. I began to listen to some music when some guy sat by me. "Sorry, there is no other seat," he says turning to me. He looked familiar. "It's fine," I say smiling.

"Are you new?" he asks. "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday," I say. He runs his hands through his hair. "Well, I'm Calum," he says. "I'm Hope," I say smiling. I looked over at another seat and saw Luke scowling at Calum and I. I ignored him and turned back to Calum who was on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Just putting myself in your contacts," he says smiling at me. "Give me your phone," I say. He hands me his phone and I add myself as 'Da Boss' in his contacts. "Here," I say handing him his phone back.

He hands me mine. I look through my contacts and see he added himself as 'Calum The Sexy Beast.' I laugh. "Why did you put 'Calum The Sexy Beast'? I ask. "Cause I would be lying if I said I was ugly," he says winking at me. "Oh," I say smiling. "Why are you 'Da Boss'?" he asks. "Cause I would be lying if I said I was a slave," I say in mocking tone. "Funny," he says making a weird face.

"You're weird," I say. "Nope, I'm Calum Hood," he says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I laugh. I then felt the bus stop. "Time to go to a living hell on Earth," he says in a deep voice. "We will be given the horrible homework and never ending lessons in every single subject," I say in a horrible man voice.

He laughs. "Come on. Let's go," he says pulling me off the bus. We get off the bus and is greeted by the plentiful amount of teenagers. "This place is huge," I say. "Yeah," he says pulling me into the massive high school. "I have to find my locker," I groan. I pulled out a slip of paper with the number. Calum takes it away from me.

"Hey," I say. "Hay is for horses," he says reading it. "Your locker is next to mine," he says looking down at me since I'm short. "Cool," I say. "Follow me," he says leading me down the hallway. "It's right here," he says pointing at a locker. "Thanks," I say. "No problem," he says opening the locker next door. I opened it and placed some stuff inside.

"What do you have first period?" he asks. "Umm...history," I say. "Let me see your schedule," he says. I hand him the white slip of paper. "I have you 2nd, 4th, lunch, and 6th," he says handing me back the paper. "Do you know where the history classroom is?" I ask. "It's on this hallway and it's the first door," he says pointing to the first door on the left.

I wave goodbye and walk over to the classroom. I walk in and see an old lady sitting at her desk and some students at some tables. She looks up at me and smiles. "Ah, you must be Hope, the new student," she says. "Yeah," I say. "Well,you can sit next to Mr. Hemmings in the back," she says pointing to the last table.

I look over and see Luke. I have to sit next to him?! I walk over and sit down next to him. I throw my book sack on the floor and stare back at the teacher who was taking attendance.
"Hey," I hear next to me. I turn and look at him. "What?" I ask. "Why do you-" "Well class, today we will be talking about..." the teacher said interrupting Luke. She droned on about some boring topic I don't know.

When the bell finally rang, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "What?" I ask. "Look, why do you hate me?" he asks. "Cause I just don't like your type," I say annoyed. He held a grip on me. "What do you mean by my type?" he asks. "You're like someone that I used to know," I say. He runs a hand through his hair in deep thought. "I'm going to class," I say gritting my teeth.

I walk away and into my science class which was luckily across from history. I walk in and see a smiling Calum. I sat next to him. "Hey," I say smiling. "Hey," he says smiling. I then see Luke walk in with an expressionless look on his face. Then class started.

As the day droned on and on, lunch finally came. "Hey, you want to come eat lunch with me and my mates?" Calum asks. My stomach growls. "I'll take that as a yes," Calum says laughing. "Let's go," I say walking ahead of him. "Hey, wait up," Calum says running behind me. I picked up the pace. I felt him grab my waist and turn me towards him.

"When I say wait, you wait," Calum says in a deep voice. My stomach growls again but more louder. "Can we go now? I'm starving," I whine. "Let's go," Calum says leading the way. We grabbed lunch and sat at a table. "This is Michael, Ashton, and Luke," Calum says.

I look over at the guy with the colorful hair. "Sup, I'm Michael," he says trying to look cool. "I love your hair," I say. "I know right," he says petting his hair. I turn over to another guy. "Hey, I'm Ashton," he says giving me a small smile. "Hi, Ashton. It's nice to meet you," I say. I then turn and freeze when I see him. Luke.

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