Together: Family

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Asriel, now taller... more built like Asgore, although thinner, more of a rogue look about him... was now 26. While Chara was more... the caretaker of the Ruins. Asriel was its guardian protector, actually forging a Chaos Buster sword in spare time.

A 25-year-old Chara hair flowing to her knees walked her way through the ruins to mend the flowers at her first fall.

Asriel's voice was deeper... and now, he wore black armor, still revealing his face like his father. "...Be safe today, okay, Chara?"

"Of course Az, if they try to fight..." She opens her robe and holds the handle of a long thin dagger.

"Hehe..." He pulled her in for a kiss, trailing a hand quickly down her spine. "...You're perfect."

"Hehe... Now now... Go do your work, they may be frightened if they see a big monster like you..." Chara teased her husband.

"Fine..." He smirked... pulling a hood over his head before dashing off, padded feet not making a single sound. Chara took a deep breath and walked back towards the beginning. Once she got close to the start, she could hear... lots and lots of coughing. The Caretaker stood in the doorway of the cavern.

"O-Ow! leg..."

"Greetings... Are you alright..?" Chara asked quietly.

"Y...Yeah... Ngg... I...I can't stand..." A small boy was sitting there, blond, with green eyes.

"Here... Allow me to help you..." Chara walked over slowly. The little boy sniffled, his smock all torn apart in places... he seemed to be an artist. The young woman smiled at him at him kindly and carefully picked him up.

He yells out. "G-GAH, MY LEG STILL HURTS!!!"

"Shh Shh... I'm sorry... My Husband can use magic... He'll be able to heal you..."

"You rang...?" He smiles, speaking from behind Chara. He looked... only somewhat surprised at the new human's arrival. "...I heard the little one's scream."

"A-ASRIEL!" She forces herself not to jump as she's only hurt the child more. She turns around carefully.

The child seemed scared of out his wits. "M-M-M...!"

"Monster. Yeah. Goat monster, boss monster, former prince Asriel Dreemurr here." He smiled, offering his paw.

"This is my husband... Asriel Dreemurr... He saved me a long time ago..."

"This... is Chara Dreemurr." He kisses her forehead quickly... and the kid goes wide-eyed. "M-M-Mystic Chara! You're... you're the child of legend!" He seemed excited to hear that.

"'Mystic'...? 'Legend'..?"

"The myth that the children tell! That... that you fell down and pacified monsterkind!" The boy had a huge smile on his face.

"Pacified...? The monsters... They're not evil." Chara smiled at the boy.

"Th...they're not...?" He was a little confused.

"No they're not... They're really nice"

Asriel healed up the child... and he smiled. "Th-Thank you, Mr. Dreemurr!"

"Please, Asriel is fine."

Chara puts the child down. "Better?"

"Yep... Thank you again..." The human boy smiled.

“What is your name...?" Asriel asked the child

“My name is... uh..." He had to think.

"Its alright... You can tell me..." Asriel insisted.

A small console appeared in front of Chara... "Input the Fallen Child's name."

"..." She looked confused. “What…?

"Input the Fallen Child's name."

Still confused she types in "Felix"

The child blinks, rubbing their head. "...My name... is Felix. I...I think."

"W-Well Felix... Lets get you home... You must be hungry..."

"I... I'm very hungry..." The newly named Felix rubbed his stomach.

"Just follow me then.." Chara held out her hand.

"Or... I've been working on the Instant Transmission that Goku does..."

"Asriel... You know I hate teleporting..."

"But it's doing way better though!" He smiled, and Felix... seemed willing.

"Alright... Fine...." She sighed

"Grab on!" Asriel grinned, placing two fingers on his forehead as Felix clutched Chara's leg.

"O-Oh for heaven's sake..." she takes his other hand. They warped out... seamlessly.

Chara held onto him quietly.

Went without a hitch, and they were even in the living room.

"I'll give you props this time Azzy..."

Azzy seemed tired, in the chair, and panting wildly.

"Do you enjoy butterscotch Felix?"

"More of a cinnamon fan..."

"Hmm.... Let's see what I can do… Here." she leads him to her old bedroom. "You can rest here alright?"

He nods. "alright..."

Chara leaves him be and goes to the kitchen.

Asriel comes into the room, having to duck to get inside. "One problem about growing up..."

"Getting taller?1"

"Especially if you're a boss monster... I've finished growing, but my horns get stuck on the door frame..."

"Just.... make it taller...."

"No... Doesn't work like that..."

"I meant with tools.... though... I don't think the house would be able to take it..."

"There are no tools here... only magic..."

"Guess you'll suffer then..."

"Just... lop my horns off.

"Noo..... I don't wanna do that.."


She reached up in the freezer and gets out a Pie crust. He leaned against the wall, sighing.

"What's wrong...?"

"...Horns.... Thinking of it..."

"I like 'em" She goes over the the former prince.

"...O...Okay. So... so what should I do about the height thing..."

She sighs and hugged him.

He hugged back. "...Love you, Chara."

"I love you too Asriel."

"...What'cha gonna make for him? Probably not snail pie... Especially since you hate it..."

"YOU Make it if you want it," She scoffs. "He's not a fan of butterscotch, so I wanted to make maybe an apple cinnamon pie..."

"...Make... Hmm... make a butterscotch cinnamon pie! Best of both worlds!"

"Hmm?" She thinks... "How would I do that..." She seemed to be measuring things in her head.

"Substitute, say... a third of the butterscotch for half the cinnamon?"

" 'I don't know how to bake!' he said…” Chara rolls her eyes.

"... What's that gotta do with your skill...?"

"Whatever I'm making this pie!" She gets out some butterscotch and cinnamon.

He smiles, leaning against the wall again.

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