Together: The Promise Land

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"...Frisk, I need to ask a question." His voice was a little harder now.

"Hmm..?" she went into the living room as she was drying a cup. "O-Of course.... I'll do my best to answer..."

"...What's the promised land...?"

Frisk froze up... "W... What..?"

"Chara told me to ask."

"U-Um.... W-Well... Umm..... It's...." she seemed to have a hard time gathering words to form her sentence....

"Frisk... do you even think I'll understand it?'

"I-I don't.... Want to...."

"...Frisk...?" He looked over.

She was shaking.... "D...despite the name.... It.... Wasn't nice..... It was... The name of a.... A project being done... They were studying 'immortality'..." although her voice was shaky she managed to speak.

"..." Asriel stood up. "Is it still running?"

"Y-Yeah...." she rubbed her shoulder before pulling her collar down revealing a serial number of some kind... "But... I'm still alive... And since miss Chara knows.... She might have been part of it too..."

"...Damn it, I can't cross the barrier by myself..." Asriel started back towards the closet.

"Mr. Asriel...? What do you plan on doing..?"

She ran after him.

"I plan on shutting that thing down if it's as bad as you describe..."

"T-They'll kill you!!"

"Princess, you underestimate monsters too much."

"I-I know you have magic, b-but they have guns and other weapons!  Including magic! There's more of them than you!!"

"...Kid..." He smiled at her, then his fur turned black as night. "...I'm practically a god when I'm pissed off."

She backed away from him... "W-what if.... You don't come back...."

"Hahaha... you have no faith, child. Come, I'll need your help for this."

"My... Help...?"

"Your SOUL is required... don't worry, I'm not gonna kill ya for it. We'll just need to hold hands as we cross the Barrier."

"U-Uh... Okay... Fine..." The child reluctantly followed the king to the barrier. He smiled, pulling off his robes to reveal his armor. Frisk looked as if she was going to cry... But did not..

The monster held out a hand for her. The smaller girl took his hand quietly. He started to step through the barrier. Frisk seemed to resist before going through with him. Once they were on the other side, he looked down at her. He could feel her shaking. Her eyes were full of regret and sadness. But behind that... There seemed to be a sliver of Determination.

"...Did you SAVE, Princess...?" His eyes seemed full of knowledge.

"H-Huh?! W-What?"

"Did you touch a little sparkly star near the Throne Room...?"

"Mmm... How di-"

"HALT MONSTER!" The chd was cut off by a man.

"...Hello there, Human." His fur was a shade of grey. His eyes weren't charged either.

"Step away from the child!!"

"Frisk, you'd better go to him." He crouched down, gently guiding her forwards.

"W-What!?! I-I don't wa-" she rejected.

"That's right come with me..." The man insisted.

"You have to do what he says. So neither of us get hurt, okay...?" Asriel also agreed

“Come on sweetheart, I don't have all day..." The human was getting impatient.

“A...Azzy....." Frisk slowly made her way to the human.

"...Now, you have to do something for me, human." His eyes turned dark and cloudy.

"Excuse me? I don't answer to dirty monsters like you..."

He could hear something powering up behind him. "Oh, you're going to answer. Where is the Immortality Project named 'The Promised Land'?"

The man grabbed Frisk by the arm. "How the Hell should I know... Its top secret. Now if you'll excuse me I'm taking this brat back to the orphanage... Maybe my 13 partners around you will now..."

He raised his arm, the sounds of... Thousands, if not millions of charging blasters could be heard. "LET MY DAUGHTER GO! YOU MAY WATCH OVER HER, BUT DO NOT TOUCH HER!"

The man let Frisk go and she ran behind Asriel.

The charging sound faded. Asriel's fur was pitch black. "...Now tell me, before your thirteen partners become batteries for my attacks."

"I-It's at the bottom of the mountain..... About 10 miles away from the village...."

"...Good. Now, if you're a creature with a spine and some brain cells, you'll tell your buddies to not attack me or my daughter unless you want an explosion to engulf your village."

The man waved some sort of signal to the lurkers in the forest.

"Climb on, Frisk. I'm gonna go pretty fast." He crouched down.She climbed onto Asriel's back and held onto him tightly. He dashed off towards the "Immortality project", growling. A large building was ahead in his sight. He started to slow down. "...Frisk... Do you see any SAVE Stars nearby...?"

"N-No... Not here...."

"Then... let's just hope your file in the Throne Room holds."

"B-But... How did you know abo-" Loud sirens started crying as they reached the institute.

"...I'll explain later..." He set her down. "Go hide."

She seemed to run into the forest.

He slowly started walking forwards, his fur darkening again. Humans ran out with loaded weapons aimed at Asriel. He looked around. Now he was beginning to sweat a bit.

"READY..... FIRE" rounds of ammo were fired at the King. He summoned a shield around him, sweat dripping down his face as bullets kept hitting the shield.

"they have guns and other weapons... Including magic..." Frisks warnings echoed in his head.

He started running towards one of them, his shield crackling heavily. I need a SOUL to stay alive...

The one he was charging at fell backwards in fear dropping his gun. Asriel leaped on him. "...I'm sorry, but I'll need this." He fired a pulse of magic, chipping the majority of the man's human SOUL away, changing the rest. God am I gonna hear an earful from mom and dad about forbidden magic when I get back. The other humans stood in shock and ran back into the facility.

"...Don't worry, I'll take you Underground when I come out."

The sirens stopped.

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