Together: End.

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Is this hell..?

My own special hell………

Watching that…


*Kill my special one……

*over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

*It won't go away.

Make it stop.

Make it stop.


M a k e. I t. S t o p.

You can stop it. You know how you can stop it… the only way you can stop it.

I know how to stop it. But… I don't want that.



Then you're weak.




You brought this on yourself.








Be strong.

Power is inside.

Just unlock it.

Kill them.

Do it.

I can help you.

Kill them.

Kill them.

Kill them.

K i l l  T h e m.

“Umm… M-Mom..? Are you okay..?” Frisk stood in the doorway of her adopted mothers room after coming back inside. Chara was standing in the middle of her room talking to the air. Frisk couldn't hear what she was saying but it didn't sound like a good conversation. “Chara…?”

She stopped talking. The elder human slowly turned around. Frisk froze… Chara's smile was maddening as her eyes glowed a menacing red and black tears dripped down her face. “Oh. It's you… the child of similar origin. The girl who ruined… e v e r y t h i n g. Hahahaha ohh no matter… everything will be in order soon.”

Frisk attempted run down the hall only for the door to close and lock before her. Dark energy surrounded the door and she began to bang on the door. “P-PAPA!!!”

A dark black knife lodged itself in the door next to the child. Frisk screamed tears gathering in her eyes. What was happening…?

“You're not even supposed to be here… this place is for monsters… L i k e  m e…” The queen had a crazed smile on her face. “You… won't… survive. You… will die… here with me… it's the only way…”

“N-No… You're crazy! W-We can do this, we can fix everything-”

“NO!” Energy escaped her and shook everything in the room. “The beginning… the… beginning… have to go back… no one… Will remember, I’m not supposed to be here! We both are supposed to be dead… no one will remember… no one.”

Chara grabbed Frisk's neck and lifted her against the wall… holding a knife to the child's head with another floating next to hers. The woman was chuckling maddly… no one came to help the two… Frisk struggled for her life but the mad woman was too strong.

“No no no!!! Plea--”
















A scream was cut off by a loud thud at the front of the ruins. Asriel jumped from his little expedition in the Ruins to try and find flowers for Asgore when he heard the scream.

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