Together: Apart

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They woke up to quiet clanging from the kitchen. Asriel rubbed his eyes. "..What the hell...?" Asriel got out of bed, dressed in boxer shorts, going to the kitchen.

Chara slipped on a long night dress before going after him He stepped into the kitchen, eyes starting to glow softly. Frisk was in the kitchen... Whatever she was making... It smelled good. His eyes stopped glowing, and his stomach growled loudly.

"Good morning.... " she smiled at her new 'father'.

"Whatcha makin' there, Princess...?" His eyes seemed to be slightly... glazed.

"I-I umm... I'm m-making F-French toast! Y-You happened to have everything...." she was taken aback by 'Princess'.

He smiled. "Well... I suppose I should get dressed, but be sure to make some extra up, alright? Just in case someone's extra hungry."

"Okay!!" she when back to cooking.

He went back in the room, to put pajamas on, and to check on Chael. The baby was reaching for the mobile above his crib. Azzy smiled, kissing the top of Chael's head. He giggled

"So happy over something small..." Chara smiles quietly

"It's because he knows he's loved... Love, the actual kind not the letters, helps a baby monster grow."

Chara reached and picked up the child. "Then let's make sure he grows up strong..."

He hugged the both of them somewhat tight.

"Hehe... I love you."

"Love you too, Chara... And I love you too, Chael~"

"la la la" the baby babbled.

"Aw, that's so cute..." Asriel kissed Chael's head once more. Chael giggled again. He let Chara have Chael as he pulled on some robles. She hugged the child. He put on Delta Rune robes now, not unlike the ones Toriel wore.

"Do we have any plans today..?"

"Probably not..."

"Yay... We can spend the day with Chael."


"We'll be out in the kitchen…

She took the monster child out of the room and sat down at the table.

She placed Chael in his high chair.

He walked out, shivering lightly. "Is it cold today, or is it just me..."

"Is it cold..?" she didn't seem affected by anything.

"It feels cold..."

"I'm not cold!" Frisk chimed in.

"I'm not either... Are you okay?" Chara agreed

"I dunno." He shivered heavily. Chara went over and felt his head, he seemed normal. She looked at his eyes, they seemed normal, a little duller than most days, but normal.

"Do you feel alright...?"

"Just cold..."

"Come, perhaps you'll feel better after eating something...."

"Alright, love..."

Frisk brings over a big plate of French Toast. He licks his lips, starting to eat the meal. Chara takes Chael and lets him feed off her. Asriel takes a peek now and again... but largely looked away. Frisk sat next to Asriel with her own smaller plate. Asriel seemed to eat the food down within a minute or two.

"Wow! Do you want me to make more? Mr. Dreemurr?"

"No need to be so formal, Frisk... You can call me Azzy."

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