Together: Death

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When they reassembled, they were in a blackened darkened place. They couldn't touch any form of ground. They were permanently floating.

"Where..." Chara looked around confused.

Asriel was panting heavily. He seemed burnt-out, but "Sans" seemed pissed off.

Chara glared at 'Sans'... "Release my friend..."

"...I can't, even if I wanted too. His SOUL is mine."

"Who are you... And why are you attacking me specifically..." her eyes narrowed even further.

"You're Caroline Heart... and I'm that kid you attacked, you sick fuck... They had to inject me specifically with their immortality cocktail... They said that they would be able to control any situation! Hah, unlikely, with you after I drew you with the word whore above it..." He summoned a sharpened bone. ...Azzy was pissed now…

"You... You really didn't die... How..." she summoned a shield and sword... "I don't care... You possessed my friend..."

Asriel suddenly collided weapons with him. "...How dare you consider my wife... the Queen of Monsterkind, a whore...?" Darkened lightning seemed to come off of Asriel's now black fur.


"...He can't get out of him, so I'll do the only thing I can."

Chara made her shield and sword disappear... "Fine... Do as you will..."

"Besides... He needs to pay for what he's done!" He struck the bone "sans" had, snapping it in half, then punching him through the empty space.

Chara closed her eyes... She couldn't watch it… When Asriel charged again, he cried out in pain, a bone shard piercing his hand. "...Don't underestimate me, king of none."

She turned to look and tried summoning her sword again. Asriel was run through from behind by a larger bone. "Ch...chara..."

She summoned a knife instead and threw it towards the possessed skeleton's head. The skeleton spun around, the knife lodging itself in Asriel's forehead as his eyes started to go dark, grey goo dripping from the wounds. Time seemed to slow down as the queen screamed with grief. Magic energy began to envelop her. "Y-You....” She glared at the monster, “Just made the biggest mistake of your life… How dare you?!”


Azzy's body dropped out of sight. The skeleton laughed. "Why not? I had a meat shield and I used it. Hell, if this is where I think it is, he's not coming back."

"And we can't go back either... So... I have nothing left to lose...." Her eyes glowed with something stronger than anger. "I'm going to kill you again..." She let a mad grin grow on her face and launched herself the the skeleton summoning two blades and a thin but strong barrier around her body. The skeleton forced a barrage of bones forwards, most of them pointed into ends. She broke most of them in her path and swung at "Sans".  "You're lucky you only have one hp... This death would be slow and painful if you didn't."

The scenery changed, into the Judgement Hall. Azzy was in a heap, barely breathing. "Sans" now bloodied from a large gash in his chest. "....G-Guess… you got me..." Sans stepped backwards, his voice back to normal. "...that'll do, chara... that'll do..."

She couldn't think straight all mentality she had was crushed.. She kept a tight grip on her weapons. "..." she kept her eyes locked on the skeleton.

"cough cough you'll need that kinda power. trust me, all that flashy power back at the fa-ACH..." Asriel's paw was outstretched, Chara's Knife now in his skull. " do you like it, faker...?"

She didn't move her eyes remained glued to the skeleton. The knife didn't phase her gaze.

"...just..... don't say... i'm not warning you now... don't... say i didn't.... w a r n  y o u . . . " Sans dusted, Asriel slowly and shakily getting up.

Chara's weapons disappeared from her hands... She kept watching the dust pile.
".   . ."

Even the dust disappeared. Chara fell to her knees and Asriel limped over, his left eye practically glued shut. She didn't look up or react to his footsteps at all…

"...C...chara, are you hurt...?" She shook her head quietly in response, "...Let's... get home..." He coughed, goop dribbling from his mouth. She stood up and helped Asriel home without speaking. He leaned on her heavily, seeming to get weaker as time passed. She used her healing magic on him on the way home. It helped him to make the trip home, but it seemed that simple magic wouldn't cut it. At least not from one person.

"Please...  Help... " were the first words she said when she got him home. Chael was curled up in a ball, jumping to his feet when the door opened. When he saw his father in a wounded state, he rushed to his side, the Kindness SOULS within him trying to power up any form of healing magic he had. Chara left Asriel to his son and the two doctors... She still couldn't think straight and sat in a corner. They set up the Attic room as a sort of medical facility for the time being.


"Frisk... When was your last save..." Chara had her head down in her hands.

"I... Think... It was before you left with papa and sans...." She responded.

"Can you load...?"

"U-Um.... Are you sure..?" She opens the console. Chara nodded.



Asriel blinks, the ascending particles suddenly snapping back into place on the goat and the skeleton as they fall into a coffee table... or the splinters of it from earlier. Chara wasted no time in pinning the skeleton to the wall with a knife pinned against their throat/spine.

"I'll kill you again..." Her eyes glowed a dark red.

"j-jeez, okay, i'll explain! i-i'm sorry!" His voice was back to normal... and Gaster seemed uneasy now.

"You'd better or I'll snap your spine in half..." She kept a strong grip on him.

"...the ladder is looking quite appealing right now..."

"Explain!" She threw him against the wall again.

He coughed, blood starting to dribble from his mouth.

"Start talking..." Sans went silent. Chara watched him, "Did I knock him unconscious..?" She still kept her guard up. “Tch… Heal him… We’ll talk when he’s conscious…”

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