Part 4 - In Cithrí

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Hey so I'm thinking about making this story into its own book.... Can't decide if it's a good idea or not. Anyway, I didn't realise hat there was a character called Rowan in the stories, cause I'm currently on crown of midnight, so the Rowan in this story is not based off the actual Rowan. Also a lot of this was made by combining names from the Eragon series into TOG series, so it's not completely accurate but please enjoy :)

Servants and maids rushed around everywhere, their dull coloured clothes washing past me like a stormy ocean. I puzzled about what was happening. Why was everyone so busy? A voice tutted behind my right ear, I whizzed around but the servant was hobbling down the hallway a hot bucket of water in his hands and a mop. I frowned, immensely confused and carried on... I would find Rowan, he would know what was going on..... unfortunately just as I turned the corner I bumped into Caitlin, one of the more sharp-mouthed maids. "Caitlin, what's going? I just got tutted at."
She flumbed with the vase cradled in her arms, and put it down on the nearest surface, her blue eyes running up and down me. "Tutted at? No wonder you got tutted at! Look at you! What is this?!" She picked at the hem of the tunic, the sewing all frayed. "Oh my, look at your boots!" She was going crazy now, shaking her head in dispare.
I looked down at my boots, they were covered in horse muck, mud and straw, I blushed and smiled sheepishly notcing the trail I had left all along the newly washed floors. "Oops."
She just bit her nails. "Where have you been all day?"
"I went horse riding, did you not get the note in my room?"
Caitlin's eyes flew open wide. "In your room! Do you honestly think I've had time today to be waiting on you?!"
I opened my mouth, semi affended.
"Never mind it, child, now come with me I cannot have you wearing that!" She started slapping at my feet with her apron to get them moving.
I jumped shocked and started towards my room. "I need to find Rowan." I told her hoping she would help.
"Rowan!" She chuckled. "Do you have any idea how much trouble I will get in if the king sees you wondering around the castle in this state?! "
I frowned, my father was the king, but Caitlim would never refer to him as king, not many did in the castle, it wasn't because they hated him, just because no one really saw him as a king. "King?"
"Yes the king of Adarlan. Get your head out the clouds, girl." She slapped me round the head with her apron. I whined a complaint holding my now sore head. No one would ever guess I was a bloody princess with my maid treating me like this.
Wait.... the king of Adarlan? Why would he come to Cithrí? It is such small city I'm amazed he even knows it exists. "Why is the king coming here?"
"He has business with your father." Caitlin said under a mutter of curses as she shoved me into my room, running straight for my small closet.
Why would the king personally do business with my father? All he had to do was wave his hand and we would be crushed, all of us hanging by our necks from the walls. And if he really wanted business surely he would send an ambassador?
Caitlin returned a deep lavender dress in her left hand and the devil of all clothing in her right.
"I'm not wearing that!" I said as sternly as I could manage, my hatred for it obvious.
She laid them out on the bed snapping her fingers at me to shut up. "Look how fat you've gotten! You will wear it or you won't go at all and you will be explaining why to your father!"
I groaned. "I'm only bloated from the picnic!"
She snapped her fingers again, jeez what was up with this woman today. "Turn around and take those stupid clothes off."
I did as told starting to unlace my tunic. "I hate you, you know?"
She bustled over with jewellery and shoes this time. "Well I would rather you than your father!"
"He isn't that scary." I lied, my father had a temper like a buffalo, I have never seen anyonr loose control like he does.
She snorted. "Do you remember the last time he told you off?! You cried!"
"That was three years ago." I whined as she brought the dreaded clothing over.

"Y/n, move a little closer to your brother." My father waved his hand at me.
I did as told, I could feel my brother's arm brushing on my back. I sprayed out the fan I had been given by Caitlin to shut me up, and frantically fanned air onto my face.
"You'll blow us all away if you keep up like that." My brother's humorous voice joked in my ear.
"Shut up." I hissed, placing a hand over my chest. "I can't breath."
"Aww you poor air deprived child." He teased, his hand sweeping his dark hair out his eyes as he stood tall as directed.
"You try wearing a stupid corset!"
He laughed. "You women are all so pathetic."
I snorted. "Tell me that after I've thrashed you tonight." I shut my eyes imagining the feeling of his nose breaking under my fist.

The Princess of Cithrí - Chaol Westfall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now