Part 28

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I stroked the bodice of my dress, hands trailing over the bejewlled flowers. I smiled at Caitlin and hugged her, as a leaving gift Caitlin and ordered me a dress, the replica of my mother's one - the one I wore the last time I saw my father. The silky smooth fabric like heaven, the flowers in my hair and the dusting on my eyelids made me look like royalty for once. "Thank you Caitlin, it's beautiful."
She fussed around with the skirt, still muttering about me refusing to wear a corset. "Well it will all be for no use if your late." She pushed me out of the door, grabbing a fur cloak and throwing it around my shoulders.

Outside the whole household was lined up, the horses and carriages at the bottom of the steps awaiting the king and his party. The party I would be in.
Chaol stepped next to me, his uniform back on with a black cloak. "You look good."
I raised an eyebrow. "Good?" I knew I looked more than good.
Chaol leant in closer. "Well you would look beautiful if you took it off."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I think I'll keep on, if only to torture you."
Chaol now rolled his eyes, his fingers twitching at his side. I took a deep breath and smiled, I didn't want him to see my fear.

I saw Helsha step out the front doors, her hand latched to her betrothed's arm. She was dressed in bright vibrant colours of yellow and orange, she showed no fear, no remorse to leave her family home. She left Dorian's uncle and pottered over to us. "Y/n..... captian." She scowled at him. I knew she would be glad to see his back as he rode off. "Congratulations sister." I smiled at her, having hardly seen her since we returned to the castle.
"I heard rumours that it you who killed father's murderer, not Rowan as the court has been told." She had a glint of happiness in her eyes.
I smirked. "I cannot say." She flicked her golden hair, her blue eyes a reminder that she wasn't actually my sister but my cousin. I gave her a hug, ever since we had ran away together to avoid arranged marriages we had grown close, closer than I though we could ever be. She smiled and pulled away, looking over to her fiancé, smiling and waving. "You are invited to the wedding y/n. No plus ones." She flashed Chaol a rude glance.

Over her shoulder, Rowan emerged from his castle, his wife at his side cradling their daughter who for once wasn't crying. Vanir on his otherside, dressed all prim and proper in a personally tailored tunic, his hair groomed into position.
"Excuse me." I said and left the two enemies, skipping over to my brother. My chest was tight, I didn't want to leave Rowan, I would miss him more than the castle, more than anyone else.
"Shouldn't you be bowing to your superiors, sister?" Rowan said cocking his head, the crown a perfect fit for him, moving with him like he was born for it.
"You're my superior?!" I scoffed. "Do you know how many times I've saved your life?"
Rowan laughed, his finger stroking over the silver of his hammer. "And yet I can still beat you."
I crossed my arms. "Just you wait till next time..." I trailed off, when would next time be? Normally it meant tomorrow or the day after, but now it may mean weeks, months, years? I hoped it wouldn't be years. We both grabbed each other for the biggest hug of our lives. He smelt of pine and warm metal, his hair softer than silk. I squeezed my eyes shut soaking him in. "I'm going to miss you." I whispered.
He hummed back, his chest vibrating against mine. "Meh, I'll find a new trianing partner easily enough."
I knew he was joking, he wanted me to stay more than I did, but it was always bound to happen at some point. The chicks have to leave the nest or they die.
The baby started to wake up, her stumps for arms stretching out as the tears began to pour down her little face. The high pitched cries escaping her small mouth. Elena, bounced her, shushing her. "Oh come here." I said, rolling the little girl out her arms. She was heavy, lying in my arms, her face surrounded by blankets and sheep wool. Rowan stepped closer, placing a hand under mine. "Don't drop her!" He warned, his face beaming with pride as he looked upon his little girl. "You'll come back when she is older right?" Rowan asked. "I want you to train her to fight."
"Really?!" I snapped up at him. "To fight with a dagger?"
He nodded, his emerald eyes laughing at my reaction. "Yes, I want her to be able to defend herself no matter what."
I hummed at the idea, and noticed Vanir edging closer. I knelt down to him, so he may see his niece. He edged closer, his eyes watery. "It's going to be all right Vanir." I spoke softly to him. I knew he made a point to avoid me after I killed that man, no one told me what he had seen that was so bad, but Chaol said the kid has good reasons.
"Is the king going to kill you?" Vanir whispered.
What?! I frowned, laughing through my confusion. "No of course not."
"That's enough Vanir." Rowan said pulling the boy back, it was like he didn't want him talking to me. He took his daughter back, one arm cradling her, the other around his wife - they had married the moment Rowan got the crown.

"Princess!" Dorian called up at me from his horse. "We're leaving."
Chaol was holding the reins of two horses - one snowflaked appaloosa, the other a bay framed overos. I beamed down at him, he looked so handsome standing there.
I gave Rowan one last hug.
"You're always welcome back y/n, not matter what." He said, looking like he was about to cry. "And if he hurts you, in any manner, I will personally come to Rifthold and tear his balls off, smash his penis until it is a flattened snake then hang it all in my doorway."
I nodded, laughing. "I'll make sure to tell him." I squeezed my brothers arm before trotting down the stairs to Chaol. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "What did Rowan have to say?"
I laughed. "Oh that if you break my heart, he will tear your balls off, smash your cock up and hang it in his doorway."
Chaol gulped his hand running over his clothed crotch.
Dorian snorted, and I mounted the appaloosa, Chaol swinging up onto his horse, his muscular body tensing and rippling at lifting his weight. He pulled his horse close to mine as the party rode out, Dorian on his other side.
"I love you, princess" Chaol smirked.
I leant across the distance between our horses, kissing him tenderly. "I love you too captian."

So that is the end of my first Chaol Westfall Fanfiction book. I appreciate he isn't an overly liked character, but I think he's great despite everything he's done and when I wrote this story, which was a while ago, I was reading crown of midnight. Which he was a huge part in and was amazing in, so....
I hope you all enjoyed it.... And sorry there is another one cause I wrote three books ages ago haha. So tough luck if you didn't like it.

The Princess of Cithrí - Chaol Westfall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now