Part 12

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Two kids ran past me kicking a pig's bladder between them, their shirts grubby with yellow and brown stains. They ran round the corner, the ball almost rolling into the forge. In the dark night the forge looked alive with life, the beast, Korgan was banging away at a brand new metal sword, his arms wielding his mallet like it was little more than a pillow. I knew I was hidden in my little alcove, my hood drawn up around my face, my black tunic made me invisible. It was the perfect spot to watch over her, I chuckled to myself at her appearance. She was in big baggy clothes, a tunic that did nothing for her figure, only flattened out her chest as though she really was a man. Her long hair had been tucked up into a hat, that she had pulled sharply over her face. If anyone passed, they could easily mistake her for a boy having not yet reached puberty. Her pearly white smile shone through the darkness, as she laughed at something Korgan said, she seemed to get on so well with the brute of a man. I wonder which weapon was his chosen one? All of y/n's family had peculiar taste in weapons, I wonder what was his... fishing hook? No that didn't seem right... It wasn't a sword or at least I would have been disappointed if such a giant of a man was wasted on sword fighting.
Her laughter echoed down the street, it brought a smile to my own face. I wanted to rush over, throw my lips on hers. But I knew I was the last person she wanted to see, those dreadful things I had said to her. The suicide attempt that no one had been there for, luckily Dorian had gone to visit her. It wrenched at my heart to think I was to blame.
I saw them exchange a few more words, y/n putting down the horseshoe she had been pulling nails out for the last minute, she stuck her tongue out at Korgan ans opened the door heading out into the back.
I frowned, Korgan flicked his eyes either way, heading for the main doors, heaving them shut. My heart lerched in my chest, what was happening? Was korgan betraying her? I rushed out of my hiding spot.
"Ain't ya a handsome fella, very mysterious." A woman walked up to me, getting in my way, I only had to flick a glimpse of her outfit to know she was looking for some cash, her breasts almost bursting out her dress. "Excuse me!" I snapped pushing past her, frantically searching for a way to get to y/n. The doors had been locked shut by a plank of wood, I screamed. I had to get to her!


The moment I stepped out into the courtyard I could feel the stares I was getting. They had me surrounded, the men with the hoods from at the glass palace, they were here, blades glimmering in their hands menacingly. I lashed out grabbing one of the swords out the top of a barrel, it was heavy in my hand. Dead weight compared to my dagger which Korgan still had. One of them stepped forwards, I waved the long slab of sharpened metal at them. The man batted away the cumbersome blow. My heart was racing. "Back off." I shouted, spit flying out my mouth. They didn't seem to care, found it more amusing than a threat. Suddenly, the world went dark. It was like a black screen had been pulled over my head. I screamed louder, kicking out as I could see the shadows moving closer. Broad arms lifted me off the ground, the thudding of boots as they all moved somewhere, taking me with them. I was sat on a chair, heard a door swing shut and the black bag was pulled off my head. I jumped up, but firm hands held me back down. "Korgan!" I snapped up at him, shoving his hands off of me. He gestured to the rest of the room - I recognised it to be the hut he had locked us in a few days ago - except now every surface was covered in as many candles as possible, the flames burning no bigger than a finger nail. Surrounding us were the hooded men, who had stashed their makeshift blades and were all taking off their capes and hoods. "Ah, Fred, good to see you."
"Horst! We need to get down the pub sometime."
"You're looking even bigger than last time, Korgan."
"Ya got beat up 'gain?"
"Yeah, but you should have seen the other guys! I was with this woman, what a beauty..."
I gawked at the men, as they all turned to each other, desperate to say hello to everyone. Was I here just to witness their drawing room gossip? I doubted it, these were the poeple who had tried to kill me in Rithfold, but I had killed two of theirs instead. Was I here from some ritual sacrifice? I glimpsed one man pull a small vile out his pocket, showing it to his mate. Is that what they were going to do? Force me to drink poison as a punishment, it seemed like a lot of effort for them to just kill me, but the world is a mysterious place full of bizarre individuals.

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