Part 25

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The bitter taste of blood was heavy in my mouth, dripping down my chin, out my nose, my face numb to any more pain.
An elbow slammed into my cheek sending me back a couple paces. I gasped, clutching my face, any more hits and I would surely loose my teeth.
Behind me, I heard my two brothers cringe and the soldiers cheer.

Rowan had regained conciousness only minutes ago, and left the carriage insisting he had to be there for me.

I held up a hand at them. "Stay back!"

My left hand barely had the energy to hold the short sword, and my own dagger was beginning to feel heavy. I swung them both up, to block the double handed sword. The eyes were gleaming, teasing me, egging me on to waste myself away, to fall at his feet. I screamed at myself. What was wrong with me? I could feel the energy burning in my chest but couldn't use it, it wouldn't let me. I slipped out from under the sword, notcing as it slammed into the ground only a hairs width from my leg.
My sore leg was now cold with all the liquid, everytime I stepped it felt like I was spraining my ankle. I made a weak attempt to cut the man but he dodged it. How could someone so strong be so agile?
He made another slice at me, nicking my tunic. I charged at him, driving my dagger to parry his, then the short sword to his leg. I rejoiced at the sight of blood.

So far I had scored a total of five cuts to him, and three hits. It was nothing compared to what he had laid on me. Whilst his sword had yet to taste me, his feet, elbows, fists had had more than their fair share of inflicting me agony.

He was toying with me. I could feel it. He wanted to drag this out. Make me suffer before a swift end. I wouldn't let him have it. For Vanir and Rowan's sake i wouldn't let him have it.

He swung his sword with immense strength. It took all my power to hold it from cutting into my head. I could feel his hot breath as he pushed against me. "Your brother there." He hissed. "I'm going to rip his lungs out his body."
I strained against him.
"I will drown him in your blood."
I shoved him backwards, but was too slow. I whinced as his first cut was made, my left tricep bled, the sword flying out of my hand.
"The little one." He chuckled, this was a joke to him. I eluded his next two strikes. The short sword getting further away from me. I gripped mine harder, my knuckles turning white.
"Oh I will enjoy making him squeal, maybe I will kill him like I did your father," I could remember my father's death all too well, his once proud body crumpled and contorted on the floor, shards of bone protruding from his flesh.
"Or maybe I will feed him to the dogs."
I gritted my teeth. "Slim it." I hissed, limping around, my eyes trained for his next move.

I needed to get that cloak off him, for some reason he was still wearing it and I wanted to find out why.

He lunged, both hands clasping his sword as it barely missed me. I eyed up my next spot, it would be hard but I had to hit it, get him wounded. I parried his next blow, my knees trembling as he bore his weight down onto me. His golden eyes were firey, his teeth, the two incisors were chipped, the brittle edges looked perfect for tearing skin.
I needed my short sword, I could never stab and protect with one blade. He smirked evilly, his skin looked greenish under his hood. He pressed his foot onto my glass wounded ankle. I fell to my knee, screaming out. His handle, I was shocked. It had the same symbols that made up the spine of my dagger. The ones korgan had on his skin. His blade inched closer and I took my opportunity. Grapping a glass shard from my leg, I stabbed him through the hand. Blood splattered over my face, and I fell onto my back, the wind pushed out of me.

The man had retreated, whining about his hand.

I couldn't get up. My leg freely bleeding out, drawing my energy from me. Rowan crouched at my head, his focus trained on the man, he brushed a finger over my hand. "You need to get up."
All I could feel was the tingling in my face, the plug of blood at the back on my throat. "I know." I breathed. "I'm so tired."
Rowan shook his head. "You won't be if you stand."
I twisted the flat of my palm onto the floor under me, and pushed, my whole body blubbering. The monster I was fighting had the glass still in his hand, the base entering where I had aimed, and the tip stuck straight out the other side. He had ditched his double handed sword, the shashing sound of a dagger leaving it's sheath filling the silence. I couldn't help but grin, daggers were my specialty. I practically jumped to my feet after that. Rowan was right, I felt suddenly alive, the adrenaline surging through me forcing me to survive.
We prayed upon each other, enticing one another to start the fight. It wasn't long before the clangor of metal on metal filled the ring.

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