Part 19

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It was my worst nightmare. My skin was covered in dirt, scratches, and my hair was all messed up, my night gown ruined. I hugged my legs crying. I looked hideous, my snow white skin looked tanned! I jumped as guards walked past. Where had my sister been? My brothers? They had let me be taken! I didn't even want to think what had happened to that family. The kids - I had hated working for, having to fetch their toys as if I was a commoner - were brutally dragged from their beds, throats slit. I threw up again, the black vile running over my gown. I screamed, waving it off. I hated this! I deserved better than this!

Footsteps grew in volume as they got close, and then they stopped. A man, dresed in a fanciful, body tight clothing. Rings on his fingers. I noticed each gem, diamonds, rubies, sapphires. He appeared to be of great wealth. "Why has someone not got her a proper dress?" He snapped at the guards who stood at the door way. His auburn hair falling in his face as he gave them orders. The cell door clicked and drifted inwards. The man squatted at my side, running a hand over my cheek bone. His features defined, his chisled jaw, curved lips with marron eyes. He was as handsome as Dorian, but in a different manner. "Princess I will see you are properly attended to."
I shivered, wanting to lean into his hand. "Who are you?"
His eyes widened, then he began to chuckle, a hand stroking his stubble. "My sincere apologies, I forget that not everyone in this part of the world knows who I am. My name is Lord Oromis, Queen Georgina's older brother." He gave a courteous bow.
I gulped, this is the man y/n was to marry? Why had she complained? He was handsome, rich and kind. Far better than I could imagine that captain being. "Princess Helsha." I replied, pining to touch his gems, to feel fabric of that standard again.
He smiled again, his pearly white teeth showing. "What a beautiful name." He brushed a strand of my hair back into place. "You wouldn't happen to be the lady from the ball?"
I shook my head, humming arising from my chest at having his attention.
"No of course you wouldn't." He sighed. "Wrong hair colour."
Did he mean the ball when they had rescued Rowan? Y/n had told me she had danced with her arranged husband. Typical she left out the details of how good looking he was. "That was my sister." I said distastefully.
"Ah." He said, his eyes staring around the small cell I had been thrown into. He didn't seem to be afraid of it, more disgusted.
"I made the dress." I cut in, turning my face so it was directly in front of his. Inches from his lips.
He smirked. "Did you now? Then you must be the finest tailor I've ever met."
My heart fluttered, yes I was. The others didn't notice because I wasn't good with a sword, but yes, I was one of the finest tailors. I had whipped up a gorgeous gown from scraps and waste.
There was the pitter patter of cloth slippers and a maid, I recognised her -she used to chase yourname around the castle trying to throw corsets on her - in her arms lay a dress, I was on my feet in the split of a second, grabbing the fabric out her hands. It was so silky. So gorgeous. It was turquoise blue, with silver ribbons. Oh my! I grabbed the corset holding it to my bosom, I had missed these so much, my waist line was hideous in all these peasant clothes.
Oromis smiled, standing up, his hand brushing my bare elbow. "Come, you can bathe and get changed in my chambers."
I was speechless, blood racing through me at the rate of knots. A bath? Hot water? Soaps? Clean clothes? All lying for me in a handsome man's chambers! I could never have dreamed of a better kidnapping. I leant up and kissed the man's cheek, they turned scarlet. "Thank you very much, you are very kind."
He bowed his head. "Anything for a beautiful lady such as yourself."  I took his arm, unable to hide my smile. This was everything I had dream of, except now I noticed my mistake, I was after Dorian whereas I should have been after his uncle from the very beginning!

The Princess of Cithrí - Chaol Westfall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now