Part 27

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Sweat condensed on Dorian's brow, as he kocked away another of her blows.
Chaol watched; his eyebrows pulled sharply together, a finger in his mouth as he chewed on the nail, making it soft and malleable. Y/n had picked up sword fighting quickly, her footwork much improved from last time he watched her fight. Unlike Dorian, much to Chaol's misery.
Dorian's feet stumbled together, he wobbled, his balance thrown off, and with one slip of her foot he was on his butt, a sword tip pointing at his face. Y/n laughed, offering him a hand up, which he gladly took it, brushing himself off whilst thanking the princess. They prepared for round two.
Chaol made a mental note to scolded Dorian for that amature mistake.

Rowan shuffled next to him, his eyes darting as he followed y/n, chewing his lower lip. A small ring of silver on his head, authorizing his new role as ruler over Cithrí. "Does she know?"
Chaol withdrew his hand, moving it to rest on his sword. "No, she barely remembers the fight." He watched her as she laughed and smiled, would she do that if she knew it had been him who killed her father's murderer. That she had almost died from a dagger to the stomach. "She believes the scar is an Eyllwe symbol, not a wydrmark."
He had read up about the wydrmarks, how people used to channel their magic through them, just like how Korgan had channelled her magic into saving her life.
Chaol spent nost nights reading about the wydrmarks by candle light, as y/n slept at his leg. He was fully aware that if the king caught him, it would only be punishable by death, but he needed to understand what it was that flowed within the love of his life.
Rowan nodded. "Good, she must never know." He still bore bruises from the carriage incident, his head noticeably swollen at the back, the stitches only seeable from certain angles. Rowan took a deep breath sighing as he rubbed a hand over his face, his once clean shaven jaw now covered by rough stubble. Chaol knew the new king was shattered from the sleepless nights he spent trying to get his baby daughter to sleep. He admired Rowan for insisting on raising his daughter between him and his bride-to-be, many kings would have sent for a governess.

"I assume she will be travelling back to rifthold with you."
Chaol froze, he had hoped y/n would have this conversation with her brother, so they could fight all the wanted to. Chaol dreaded having a fight with Rowan, the man already having paralysed him. "We haven't talked it through yet, but I think she will."
Chaol didn't even need to look to see if Rowan was upset, he knew he would be. Y/n and him had a relationship Chaol wished he had the oppournity to have with his own brother.
"You're taking her to the most dangerous place in the whole of Erilea." Rowan sounded like a wolf just before the growling started.
"I know." Chaol said. "If it was my choice she wouldn't go."

In front of them y/n fell over, laughing as the crowned prince fell on top of her. Chaol sighed, he hoped she was making the right decision to leave her home.
"The king will kill her either for supporting the rebels or for her magic." Rowan whispered the last part, so only him and Chaol could hear.
Chaol swollowed hard, he had thought that too, many a time as he lay awake with her at night. When he saw her sat at the royal table, the king only a few seats from her. He was a giant compared to her, and would feel no shame in publicly executing her himself.
"I won't let that happen, ever." Chaol really meant it, he would kill the king if he had to. Betray his position, run away with her, take a boat with her to kingdoms far away.
Rowan shifted again, growing tired of watching the other two pissing around on the floor. "Good.... Chaol?"
Chaol's eyes widened, had Rowan just called him by his first name. "Yes?"
Rowan turned to look at him, his eyes leaf green. "Thank you for all your help."
Chaol grinned, he had reached through to Rowan. But he had to play, cool so gave a half shrug. "It was nothing."
Rowan tugged his collar up. "You're not half as bad as I may have thought you were."
Chaol's chest warmed and he leaned towards Rowan, maybe Rowan secrectly liked him... enough to let him become a brother. "Rowan, may I...?"
"No!" Rowan huffed, now turning his back to Chaol, his eyes focusing on the pair who were finally getting up and coming over. "At least not yet."
Chaol opened his mouth but yourname was now within hearing distance, and he didn't want her to know, she would either get angry with Rowan or freaked out that Chaol already had marriage on the table.

"Hello." She beamed at them both, her hair strapped up in a ponytail behind her. "Beat Dorian, now your turn Chaol."
The captian reached out grabbing her arm and pulling her in close, his hand stroking through her hair. "I think you should rest."
She certainly looked healed, not a scratch on her thanks to the magic, but Chaol knew she was sore, especially around the abdomen and her left ankle. Like the scars were rooted underneath layers of skin.
Y/n whined a complaint. She was on a winning streak having beaten Dorian and Ross the guard, and she couldn't wait to finally thrash the captian. Chaol knew how to shut her up, squeezing her hip and placing soft kisses on the nape of her neck.
Rowan snapped his back, hands balling into fists, he hated the thought of his sister being held, doing anything intimate, let alone seeing it. He regretted telling Chaol he wasn't half bad, it felt like Chaol had driven a dagger in his back getting all on top of his sister like that.

Fortunately Dorian realised the tension in the air, and literally pried the two apart. "Come on lovebirds. Who's next for fighting?"
Chaol gave y/n one last glance, plans of tonight already flashing in his mind. Before he pointed a finger at Dorian. "You and me, we need to work on your footwork."
Chaol dragged Dorian off, who was rubbing his butt, he had thought y/n was harsh but Chaol would only be miles worse.

Y/n moved next to her brother, thankful that Chaol had made her rest, her ankle was killing her, and she had a stitch! She punched his shoulder painfully. "Hey king."
Rowan rolled his eyes, and nudged her with his elbow, moving so their shoulder's touched. He would lose her soon, when the king of Adarlan went home, Chaol guarding, her following. Then he would be alone, no one to train with, no one to make fun off. Rowan would miss her dearly.

The Princess of Cithrí - Chaol Westfall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now