Part 9

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Chaol's POV - small (not quite) smut warning

I slumped into my chambers grabbing the jug of wine and pouring a full glass. I downed it in one, the harsh alcohol nothing like the wine the king had made me taste on the first day.... god that seemed ages ago. I pulled my tunic off and my undershirt, flopping them on the chair, I unbuckled my belt and threw that with them too. My given room was one of the trashier ones, the bed small, no elaborate cloth anywhere, only a barely full bookshelf. Which was mainly filled with old rolled up paintings or plans of buidlings that never were finalized. I collasped on the bed, today had been even more shittier than the past others. The king was finally satisfied he had enough evidence built up against Rowan and wanted to start the trial as soon as possible, he only needed to work out who was next to inherit the throne.
Varren's wife had gone into labour... loosing the baby boy, she had been crying and screaming at me all day.

I couldn't even bring myself to go visit y/n today, it would only shatter me more. I trailed my hand down to my crotch area. I needed to relieve myself of the frustration and tension that clamed up my muscles. I needed to feel good for the first time in weeks. I arched my head back, my mind throwing images of y/n in her night gown at me. Oh god I had never seen so much leg in my life!!
I was rudely snapped back to reality by a knock on the door. I retracted my hand quickly, propping myself on my elbows. "Come in."
Y/n popped her head around the door, she walked in shutting it behind her. I thought my jaw might drop off for a moment. She looked flawless, not just because her skin was healed off all the scratches and bruising, but her dress, it was a colour I had never seen her in before. Light blue, with a low neck line and body tight torso, and her hair finally looked like someone had attended to it. It was twisted up into a crown like it had been the night of our first ball. She smiled sadly, the pain still evident in her pupils. "They told me you would be in here." She started, looking at the floor.
I jumped to my feet smirking as my hands latched onto her waist. This must have been the first time she has ever seen me shirtless. I cupped her face and smashed my lips onto hers.


I could feel the flame burning inside of Chaol as he pulled me against him, my hands automatically reaching out to touch his chest. I had never seen him in anything other than his uniform before, so to see him without anything on his top half was quite a shock. A delightful shock I may say as my hands traced down the lines that defined his abs. He swirled us around, I pushed back into the kiss. His need was radiating off of him, his greed for me. It felt nice to be needed, especially now. His arms hooked under my legs throwing me onto the bed. I giggled childishly. He crawled above me, his eyes filled with lust as we continued our heated make out session. I forgot the reason I came to see him as his lips trailed off mine and down to my neck. I had never seen him like this, so overtaken by male hormones, his usual confined self vanished. I let out a whimper of pleasure as he found a sensitive spot near the base of my neck. I made the same noise but louder as he sucked and nibbled on the same spot more aggressively. His hands trailed down my body and to my legs, he grabbed them pulling them around his back. His fingers eroded to the shape of his sword handle, pulled on my untouched, soft skin, swirling little circles up my legs.
I wondered what it felt like, the first time. Was this what it was like for my mother? It was an odd thought, but did she have someone craving over her who loved her? Was that man my father? I turned my head towards the door, what would he say if he walked in now? Saw me being devoured whilst my fiancé was on his way for me. And if Rowan walked in he really would become a murderer. I abruptly sat up right, knocking Chaol in the face. He sat up too, rubbing his jaw. "I can't do this." I gasped, pulling the collar of my dress back into place. I got off the bed and went to the nearest mirror, fixing the stray strands of hair back into place. Where was the girl my father had raised? The one he had trained to outlive the others? The girl my mother raised to be faithful? It wasn't her looking back at me in my reflection
"That's fine, we can do something else." I looked back to him, to his bulging crotch and gulped.
He waved my thoughts away. "I can sort that.... I can move some chairs onto the balcony or we could go to the training grounds if you prefer." Chaol's gorgeous face looking up at me as if I meant the world to him, it broke my heart thinking over the reason I was actually here. "No." I said, tears building up, ready to burst. "I can't do this." I waved a finger between us. "I'm engaged, Chaol, to Dorian's uncle."
Chaol shook his head. "Why haven't you told me this before now?!" He got to his feet, his face turning red.
"Because!" I snapped, getting cross and upset with myself for being a bitch to such a lovely man. "Because I got in a fight about it with my father before he died."
Chaol rolled his eyes. Mumbling something about my father.
"What did you say?!"
"Its always about you and your father isn't it?! Have you ever once asked how I have been this past week?" Chaol was waving his hands around in the air, he picked up his top throwing it back on. All care for one another thrown out the window.
"My father died!" I shouted back. "You've arrested my brother!" I honestly could not believe him, i have been poisoned, unconcious, suffering the destruction of my family and he wanted me to stop and ask about his emotions.
"I had orders!" He shouted back, screwing his hands into fists.
"Orders that keep you away from visiting me everyday!" I shouted back, tears streaming down my face.
"No! Because I can't stand you anymore! You are like all those other girls swooning over Dorian all the time!" His face was bright red, he was fuming, clearly having been bothered about this for a while.
I wiped the tears away. "What?!" I gasped, how could I ever fall for Dorian?
He picked up his belt, with his sword strapped to it. "You know what I mean! His hands have been all over you since we arrived and you've never tried to stop him!" He stormed over to the door, his hair all messy.
"Where are you going?" I shouted after him, noticing that he had grabbed his pouch full of money.
"To find someone who will actually love me!" He slammed the door behind him.
"That's illegal!" I shouted, completely out of anything to say, I slid to the floor and screamed at myself. Why was I so incapable of loving?!

I had stayed up all night crying, wishing that Chaol could be there watching over me. I knew I had to break up with him, us had always been a fantasy, but it hurt so much. It was a whole nother loss I didn't need, I couldn't bare. However I couldn't go back, the end had been worse than I thought, and picturing him paying some other girl to warm his bed. I curled up, my heart felt like it was having cramps.

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