Part 22

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Dorian watched his friend as they took the slow ride back to the castle stables. The captain kept his eyes trained stright ahead, unable to look at anything other than the abyss in the distance.
They had gone to a pub after Korgan slumped her body into the back of the carriage - Chaol had laid a blanket over her, tucking her hair back, and kissing her forehead, more tears toppling over his lower eyelids.

At the pub Dorian had watched his friend drink himself senseless, chat up a protestute, crying half way through the conversation, saying the woman could never compare to his woman.
Dorian squeezed his eyes shut, the last thing Chaol needed was to see him getting tearful over y/n's departure. Not only had it been the most horrible thing he had ever witnessed and taken part of, but he knew he was going to miss her running around the castle. Her personality was one he had never met, and part of him wished he had been the one to greet the princesses to Rifthold a year ago.

He had almost forgot the bizarre window. Just before y/n finally conked out, a window had smashed in a far building, not as in an explosive manner. It had been like the glass had fallen out its hold, falling a good eleven foot before shattering on the stone tiles. The timing of that had been almost uncanny with y/n slamming her hand on the floor. It made Dorian uneasy to think about.

Chaol jerked the reins and turned his horse into the castle stables, swiftly dismounting, the palmino mare running straight to her stable for breakfast. Dorian took a little longer waiting for his horse to stop before getting off. "Chaol!" Dorian warned as his friend stormed for the doors. He had not expected to see what he saw when Chaol lashed around. It was as if all joy had been sucked out of him, like he had none left and was just leading a miserable life waiting for death to come relieve him. "Do you want to talk about last night?"
Chaol shook his head focusing on his feet. "She's safe now, it doesn't matter how I feel."
Dorian sighed, what a horrible way to look at it that was. Dorian knew that y/n wasn't a woman Chaol would ever get over, she had been the only one to him that mattered.
It felt pointless for his friend to have broken her heart now, the hope had been she would be so upset she would get in the carriage willingly, the drink to just ease off the pain a little. Oh it had been horrible. Cruel. She had even lost her sense at the end, whispering unhuman words. Dorian followed Chaol, his fingers running over the tear stain y/n had left on his clothes.
"You need to attempt to look normal." Dorian whispered, nudging Chaol.

Chaol stopped abruptly, his hands grabbing Dorian's shoulders, and much to Dorian's surprise his older friend pulled him in for a hug. Wet tears leaving Chaol's face and running down Dorian's neck. "I loved her so much, Dorian."
Dorian clasped his hands around his best friends back squeezing him reassuringly, not giving a shit for all the stares passing servants gave them. "I know."
"She'll never forgive me. She will hate me forever."
"I know."
His voice trembled as he took deep breaths. "I don't know if I can live without her."
"You can."
Chaol pulled away, sniffling his pain back inside him. "Would you like to train later?"
Dorian, paused, was that the best of ideas? Then this was Chaol, the man who lived on the training grounds. "Yes, I have a few meetings to attend to but happy to, anytime after that."

They walked the rest of the way in silence, pain radiating off Chaol. They were passing the throne room with the intentions of dropping Dorian at his meeting when they both snapped straight and bowed. At the entrance was the king, the crown of Adarlan proud on his head, and the emblom of Cithrí on his right finger, undoubtly the one Rowan was supposed to be wearing. He came over to the pair, towering above them in his fine dressing. His cape of wolf fur looked newly made, as if the wolf had been killed only this morning. "I have been summoning you two all morning." He said sternly, his voice never rising with any emotions.
"Sorry father." Dorian said for the two of them.
The king paused over Chaol's face, his brow furrowed a little, but he seemed to dismiss it quickly. "I want you two go have your bags packed by dinner you will return home before nightfall."
Dorian snapped his head at Chaol amazed, they both gave worrying faces. "But father!" Dorian protested only to be cut short by a stern look from the king. Normally Chaol would have picked up on what he was doing and stopped him but clearly not this time. "What of the outlaws? Surely you still need Chaol and his men to find them?"
The king grimaced at his son, regretting having someone so compassionate. "The Captian is no longer in charge of finding the outlaws." He hissed. "Anyway." The king dusted down his cape, polishing the ring of Cithrí on it. "I have found the outlaws, they were trying to escape. My men will have them rounded up in no time." He stared at the two, he merely thought of as boys, let alone men. "You will return home this evening." Then turned, waving his wolf fur cloak behind him.

Chaol snapped his heels around and stormed back the way they had come, his sword blaring openly in his hand.
"Where are you going?" Dorian called after him.
Chaol was fuming, unable to think of words other than her name. She was in danger. The danger he feared the most and he was miles away, he couldn't seem to walk fast enough. "I have to save her!" He snapped back at Dorian. "How are you going to find her?! They will never tell you where she went." Dorian was jogging after Chaol, trying to put some sense into him before they rode out into the deserted wasteland to find she wasn't there.
Chaol was picking up the pace, his heart never having raced so much. "Korgan will know."
Dorian didn't question anymore, merely raced after his friend, holding his sword too.

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