Part 8

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My eagle pommeled sword was laid unsheathed across my lap. I knew we had caught the killer, but I wasn't going to rest, they had gone after y/n last night. They could send someone else after her tonight. I leant forwards on the wooden stool I had found. Before me lay y/n, she was sleeping, her breaths unsteady as she tried to shake off the remainders of the hallucinogenic poison that ran through her system. In the bed besides her lay, Vanir, her nine year old brother. I couldn't start to imagine what the boy was thinking - he had lost his mother, now his father and he was having to watch his sister battle for her life.
Dorian snored in the armchair at the far side of the room, my heart went out to him. Without him y/n might have died in that cupboard and we would have all thought she had ran away. I owed my best friend the world because he had saved mine.
Y/n left arm flinched, her right securely fastened aginst her chest to help her shoulder relocate - another thing Dorian had done well. I bent over her stroking her hair, being careful not to knock the heavy bandaging she had. Dorian had said she stirred like this a lot, unable to find the strength to stay awake for long enough. The only sign she was awake was the dull relfection of the moonlight in her eyes. "Chaol?" She groaned, her head rolling around on the pillow. I put my sword down and knelt at her side. "I'm here." I carrassed her cheek, I wanted to help her, take her pain away from her but I was useless. I couldn't comprehend what she was feeling or thinking.
She rolled towards the edge of the bed, would have fallen off if I wasn't there. "Chaol?" She groaned again, her voice trembling like she might break. My eyebrows knitted together. "I'm right here, y/n, I'm here now."
She didn't seem to process the fact that I was here, holding her. She was as Dorian said slipping in and out of conciousness. I folded back the duvet so it was layered over Vanir, I wanted to get in with her, pull her onto my chest and hold her there all night, but I wouldn't fit in with the two of them. Her small little navy night gown (the maid - Caitlin i believe was her name - had been put in charge of bathing her and dressing her after the physician left) hung loosely on her body, its thin little spaghetti straps wonky on her bruised and scratched shoulders. It fell very high up her tigh, I swallowed a lump at the back of my throat; I've never seen so much of a lady's legs. I slipped my arms under her and moved her back further into the bed, her skin was hot and smooth, like she had just bathed in lotions for hours. She hardly sunk into the matress, she was like a feather on its strong springs. Reluctantly I slipped my hands out from under her. Dorian was right, I wasn't much of a romantic, and I never understood what she saw in me. Most men would have done something sweet for the woman they loved, but all i had to offer was my sword... and that was already owned by someone else.
She mumbled as she curled around my arm. "Rowan."
I slipped my arm out, blushing, she was going to hate me for what I had done but I had no choice... I leant forwards kissing her forehead. "Go back to sleep princess." I whispered, laying the duvet back over her exposed legs. She fell back into sleep easily, her long hair splayed out on the pillow.

I waited over her all night, my hands stroking through her hair, it felt like water between my fingers. I left early in the morning, just as Vanir and Dorian began to stir, undoubtly the king would have many errands for me to run.

The light slipped between my eyelashes, rudely intruding on my dreams. The curtains were pulled open, I smiled I couldn't wait for training tonight, something about me just wanted to get on the grounds with the others and battle for hours. Below my window was sat my younger brother and the crowned prince playing what looked to be a card game. I frowned why would they both be here? In my chambers..... wait these weren't my chambers, my duvet wasn't white, mine was grey and blue.... "What?" My voice sounded unfamiliar as if I hadn't talked in days. My heart started to beat rapidly, something was happening in my mind. The bed dipped and Dorian sat at my feet his eyes filled with sorrow.
Crunch. That had been the sound of my father's body under the heavy hammer. The cackle as goblins laughed at me. The clattering of footsteps on stone and the rider with the scythe. I sat up, one of my arms constrained against me. "Y/n, you need to stay put." Dorian whispered trying to encourage me to lie down again.
"Father?" I whispered, hot water pouring down my face. "He's.... dead."
Dorian grabbed me, pulling me against his strong, rose scented body. My body burned up with agony as I cried into his shoulder. I could remember the golden eyss gleaming up at me with victory, and the funny feeling in my head. My Father had been crushed to death and I had done nothing. Snot, tears and saliva pooled on Dorian's tunic, but he didn't seem to care, he held me tightly, telling me everything I should have been thinking. My father had been killed before my eyes. My world felt like it had been burnt up. Now I really was an orphan, all those horrible things I had said to him had come true.

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