Part 6

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The week passed slowly, all the boys being dragged into the meetings everyday.... and if they had a day off they went hunting - an activity redeemed as being out a lady's intelligence level. I only saw them when we trained late in the evening, Rowan had let us become a four when we trained and it was amazing. Chaol and Rowan could fight each other for hours with no one really coming out champion. Also Chaol agreed to teach me to sword fight - Rowan having refused for years because he was so bad at it, and didn't want me to be better than him.

However tonight I was interrupted on my way to the training grounds, already late from trying to sort out a poisoning at the front gates. "Princess y/n," The soldier bowed and opened his arm to the hallway he had just come down. "Your father requests your presence."
I frowned but followed the soldier, pondering over what it could be..... oh god, i hope he hasn't found out about Chaol and I?! I can't imagine he would be over delighted to find out his daughter had fallen for the captain of the royal guard. The big throne room doors, groaned like they were telling me to turn around. Sat inside at his throne was my father, his Queen at his left, my sister stood at their feet, her eyes red and flawless cheek wet.
"What's this about?" I said, moving to stand besides my tearful sister. I cupped her elbow reassuringly, my eyes looking for answers in hers, she gave nothing away.
"Manners y/n!" The queen said, her authority in her voice. Not that it meant anything to me, she wasn't my mother, she could never replace what I had lost.
I snapped my eyes from her to my father, he looked a little sorrowed, his eyes permanently underlined by thick purple lines since the king arrived. I knew it was a spoilt thing to say but my father had always had a soft spot for me, he hadn't taught my sister or youngest brother, Vanir, to identify poisons, he had a trainer do that. But he had taught me... he had approved of me training with the men, wearing the tunics and racing the horses until I fell off and broke an arm, then it was get back on and ride to the castle.
"Y/n." His voice was careful, I gulped. "Queen Georgina has been speaking of your marriage...."
I backed off... no...! "I'm not marrying Dorian!" I snapped, imagine having to walk up the aisle with Chaol having to watch me marry his best friend... having his best friend's children. I shivered at the thought.
My father shook his head. "Its not Dorian, its her uncle." I paused... excuse me?! Georgina's uncle! He must be... what?! At least fourty! "His wife..." my father gulped the white scar from where he had sliced his own face after my mother's death glimmered as he tilted his head. "Passed away a few weeks ago. He is offering twice the asking price for you."
I snapped my head at Helsha, my sister, her lip trembled. I felt like crying too. I didn't want a husband, who was over twice my age! "No!" I snapped, backing away from the throne. "I will not do it!"
My father was on his feet, a very angry looking queen at his side. Her petite face was fuming red, and I thought for a momemt she might just scream and the infant would come flying out.
He wasn't mad like her, he had a temper but I hadn't triggered it yet... luckily. "Y/n, its a shock, but we need the money, your brothers' need the money for their rule."
I shook my head tears welling up in my eyes, I knew what he had done... he had accepted the deal already! The money was on its way in a large carriage with barred windows that would dump the money and gobble me up, taking me to whatever horrible man lay at the end of the road. "What about Helsha!?" I whispered, my voice too fragile to shout at him like I wanted to.
"She is going to a suitor in Adarlan that we think will suit her well."
Helsha sobbed again, didn't look like it was going to suit her well. My father didn't care for us! We were just a sack of money to him. Knowing Helsha would bare her punishment for being female, I was the only one who could stand up to him. "No! We aren't leaving this castle, ever!"
He shook his head, moving closer, his little beard curling as I pushed his self control. "It isn't up for discussion. You will leave behind your tunics, poisons and dagger."
My dagger! The only thing that stood between me and a world of death. The only thing my brother, Korgan had ever been able to give me. This was one of his best jobs, other than Rowan's hammer, I wasn't just going to hand it over so it may be put in a dusty box for someone to uncover years later. "You never cared for us after mother died!" I hissed at him, spit flying out my mouth as the the tears overflowed my eyelids. "She would never have wanted this for us, because she loved us more than you ever have!"

The Princess of Cithrí - Chaol Westfall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now