A Long Journey

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Jesse groaned softly, adjusting her seat in the saddle. Having been in that same position for hours, her entire body was beginning to become stiff and sore.

She glanced over at Olivia, who was riding beside her. The engineer was staring down at the reins she held in her hands, seemingly deep in thought. She didn't even realise that the breeze was flapping one of her own pigtails in her face.

Jesse sat back in the saddle again, once more adjusting her seat. She was becoming so stiff that she started considering to dismount and lead her horse for a bit.

Deciding to distract herself again, Jesse glanced over at her other friends. Lukas was holding his horse's reins in one hand, holding a book with the other. Jesse had no idea how he managed to read and ride at the same time. Axel looked like he might fall asleep the saddle, his eyes blinking lazily. Petra was still in the lead, the only one who didn't look worn through and frustrated. Even her horse was eagerly bobbing his head up and down, his step full of life.

"I wonder how much longer we'll be riding for, before we can stop for a bit." Jesse said to Olivia as she squirmed in the saddle again.

"Huh?" Olivia's head snapped up, as she was pulled from her train of thought. "Sorry, zoned out a bit. What did you say?"

"I need a break." Jesse said. "Do you think it'll be long before we can take a breather?"

"No clue." Olivia responded, switching her reins to one hand while stretching out the other arm, before repeating the process the other way around. "I myself could do with some rest. But I don't dare ask."

Jesse giggled slightly. "That makes two of us. Petra would fume if anybody asked to-"

"You two do realise I can hear you back there, right?"

Jesse and Olivia quickly shut up at hearing Petra's voice, trying to stifle their laughter.

"I mean, a break could be nice." Lukas said, looking up from his book. "The horses could use one too, not just us."

"And I'm hungry!" Axel added.

Petra tilted her head back and let out a long, dragged out groan. Jesse held back a chuckle, knowing Petra would probably kill her if she started to laugh.

"Fine." Petra said with a sigh. "Let's just ride until we at least reach the river, so the horses can have a drink there."

"How far are we actually going to go?" Lukas asked curiously, slipping his book into the saddle bag. "I haven't been on many of these trips."

"Usually just until we find a place worthy of exploring." Jesse explained. "It's almost like a super long camping trip, we practically live out here for a few weeks before trekking back to Beacontown."

"A few weeks?" Lukas's eyes widened. "I thought we'd be gone for a few days."

"Nope!" Petra glanced over her shoulder, grinning. "We have to go far out, if we want to explore new terrain!"

"Better get used to it, Lukas." Olivia said, chuckling. "We do this all the time!"

"I mean, it sounds great, don't get me wrong." Lukas said hesitantly, scratching the back of his head. "I just don't know if I came prepared..."

"None of us did." Axel responded. "Living off the land is part of the fun!"

"I suppose." Lukas responded, frowning slightly.

Jesse prodded her horse's side slightly, urging him on until she was riding beside Lukas. He looked over at her questioningly.

"Excited to finally be on one of the expeditions?" She asked him with a grin. "You're a part of the Order, after all."

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