Falling Behind

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If there was one thing Jesse did not feel like doing that morning, it was hiking. She was tired and in somewhat of a grumpy mood, but what else could be expected after the hours of work she had to force in the previous day?

But a promise was a promise, and Jesse promised Petra the previous week that she would push her work aside for a weekend, and the two of them could have some fun. Jesse wasn't about to disappoint Petra and tell her she didn't want to go hiking.

"You got everything packed already?" Petra asked, practically bouncing up and down on her chair.

"Yeah." Jesse stifled a yawn. Not even a cup of coffee felt like it was doing the job of waking her up that morning.

"Hey, it's going to be a ton of fun!" Petra said, taking a bit of her pancakes and proceeding to talk with a mouthful of food. "It's finally a day we can just forget about everything and enjoy each other's company!"

"Mmm." Jesse hummed in response, taking another gulp from her second cup of coffee. "Where we heading?"

"Not far, since you insisted we get back before Monday." Petra said, rolling her eyes slightly. "But I thought a good place to hike out to was mountains west of the dark oak forest."

"Sounds... great." Jesse said, trying to not let the disappointment show in her voice. She had nothing against the location Petra's picked, it sounded amazing. But the mere thought of the rocky terrain they'd have to hike across, just made her heart sink all the way into her boots.

Petra continued to excitedly babble on about the trip, and the stuff she wanted to do. Jesse listened with one ear, her thoughts straying as she poked at the food in her plate with not much appetite.

It felt odd to be so... unexcited over something she usually loved doing. Over the past few months her spirit had just been really drained.

Maybe it was because of how empty the Order Hall had become, or maybe it was because of all the hours she's spent on work. Jesse didn't know any more at that point.

Jesse glanced slightly up at Petra, her friend immediately grinning broadly at her. In a way, it felt she was living in constant fear. Petra was the only friend she had left, and it felt like she could disappear at any moment.

In all honesty, Jesse wouldn't blame Petra. Ever since she took on the job as Beacontown's Hero in Residence, she's been working more and more, while spending less and less time with Petra. That's why Jesse had pushed herself so hard to get enough work done, so she could afford taking a few days off for her friend's sake.

"Jesse? Did you hear me?"

Jesse jolted out of her trance, her gaze snapping up to Petra. Her friend had her head titled to the one side, an eyebrow raised.

"I have a feeling you haven't been listening to a word I'm saying." She said, shaking her head.

"Sorry, just zoned out for a bit." Jesse said, sitting back in her chair. "You were saying?"

"I was saying, I think we picked a great day to do this." Petra said, gesturing out of the window. "Not too hot, not cold, clouds to hide the sun, yet no rain... perfection!"

"When are we heading out?" Jesse asked, forcing down another approaching yawn.

"I was thinking right after breakfast, if you plan on finishing any time soon." Petra said, gesturing to Jesse's plate, the pancakes still most untouched.

"I'm not very hungry this morning." Jesse said with a shrug. "You have all your stuff packed and ready as well?"

Petra snorted, waving a hand at Jesse. "I've had them packed for two days now, you ain't gotta worry!"

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now