Golden Sunset

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Jesse stood at the window of her office, staring outside. She was itching to get out there before the day was over. Not just out of the building, but out of Beacontown.

Wiggling her wrist, Jesse checked her watch. Usually she wouldn't head home for another thirty minutes, but she was considering making an exception that evening. Hesitating, Jesse glanced out of the window one more time. Then she made up her mind, grabbing her jacket that was draped over her office chair and heading for the door.

As Jesse stepped out into the hallway, she heard a sneeze coming from behind one of the other close doors. For a second she froze, wondering who the hell was in the building with her.

"Oh, right, Radar." Jesse smacked her forehead. "Forgot about him."

She was still getting used to having somebody who worked for her. But Radar was a big help, and Jesse have finally had time to breathe again. And he seemed to love his job a lot, which made it a lot easier for Jesse, considering how guilty she had felt about somebody else sacrificing their personal time to help her.  

Jesse walked open the door, opening it a crack and peering in. Radar was sitting as his desk, writing on a piece of paper at the speed of light. Jesse was silently amazed, wondering if he worked at that pace every day. How was his wrist surviving it?

Suddenly Radar glanced up, nearly jumping out of his chair when he saw Jesse. "B-boss!" He gasped, nervously adjusting his glasses. "I d-didn't realise you were h-here!"

"Jesse." She corrected him. "And sorry for giving you a fright."

"Right, right." Radar said nervously, getting up from his chair. "Do you need me to do anything, b- uh Jesse?"

"I want to call it a day." Jesse said, leaning with her shoulder against the door frame. "Don't want to accidentally lock you up in here again – that's happened one too many times already."

Radar let out a nervous chuckle at her words, before nodding. He frowned, glancing over at the clock on the wall.

"I know it's half an hour early." Jesse answered before he could ask. "It's just kind of been a long day, and I have something I'd like to do before going home."

Radar nodded in response, quickly shuffling his papers into a neat pile and grabbing his jacket as well. The two of them walked out of the building together, Jesse locking the door behind them.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Boss." Radar said, starting to turn away. "Have a good evening!"

"Radar wait." He stopped in his tracks at Jesse's words, almost freezing to the spot.

"Y-yes boss?"

"First of all, it's Jesse." She said, grinning at him. "Secondly, don't freeze up when I talk to you. I was under the impression that I wasn't that terrifying of a person."

Radar chuckled nervously at Jesse's words, nodding his head and scratching the back of his neck. "S-sorry Boss. Uh, Jesse I mean!"

Jesse chuckled, shaking her head. She was about to say goodbye to Radar, before stopping herself as a lightbulb went off.

"Do you have any plans for the evening, that you're in a hurry to get to?"

"No?" Radar responded in surprise, cocking his head to the side.

"Like I said, I have somewhere I'd like to go before returning home." Jesse said, nodding down the road. "I could do with some company."

Radar's eyes widened, looking completely speechless for a second. Jesse was inviting him along with her for company??

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