Taken By Surprise

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"This is enough iron to last us for ages!" Petra said excitedly, tossing her bag over her shoulder. "And I still can't believe we scored a diamond today!"

"It was good luck." Jesse agreed. She stopped, scratching her neck. "For once I can say it's worth all the mine dust that gets... well everywhere."

Petra chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, once we get out of here you can go jump in the first lake you see."

Jesse snorted at her friend's words, continuing to follow Petra up the tunnel. The torch Petra held flickered every now and then, it's orange light dancing across the dark cave walls in a spooky way. It was so much different than Beacontown's mines which, despite being deep underground, were always fairly well lit.

A small, sad smile formed on Jesse's face at the thought of Beacontown. She didn't miss it as much as she had first expected she would, but still got the occasional pangs of homesickness. But adventuring with Petra had really been great, and Jesse has felt parts of her old safe awaking again. She really did miss being out there, doing whatever she pleased.

"Earth to Jesse." Petra nudged Jesse's shoulder with hers. "Heard what I said?"

"Sorry, got lost in thought." Jesse said, shaking her head to snap herself back to reality.

"Yeah, I can see that." Petra responded with a chuckle. "What's on your mind?"

"I was just thinking back to Beacontown." Jesse said, shrugging. "It's been how many months now? Nine? Ten? Man, almost a year."

"You miss Beacontown?" Petra asked softly.

"A bit." Jesse admitted. She glanced over at Petra, noticing a slightly downcast look on her friend's face.

"Hey, don't get me wrong!" Jesse said, putting a hand on Petra's shoulder. "A promise is a promise, I'm not leaving you."

"I don't want you to feel forced to be here." Petra said, stopping. "That's never what I wanted. I've always wanted you to be here because you wanted to be here."

"Petra, I do want to be here." Jesse said, turning around to face Petra. "I don't want this friendship to fall apart any more than you do-"

"Doesn't matter." Petra said softly, turning away from Jesse and continuing to walk forward. "You're still here against your will."

"No, Petra, wait!" Jesse said, jogging after Petra. "What part of I want to be here don't you understand? I'm not-"

Jesse never got to finish, Petra suddenly coming to a stop in front of her. She nearly rammed straight into her friend's back, slamming on the brakes just in times.

"Do you hear that?" Petra asked, glancing over at Jesse with wide eyes.

Jesse frowned, listening intently. She felt her heartbeat pick up the pace, something rumbling throughout the cave. She slowly glanced down, seeing the bits gravel on the ground vibrate.

"Petra..." She began, anxiously.

Both girls' heads snapped back upon hearing the sound of stone breaking, echoing through the tunnel. Just in time to see part of the roof cave in, clouds of dust blinding them.


The words had barely left Petra's mouth before both she and Jesse were sprinting down the tunnel as fast as they could. Stone rained down around them, and somewhere along the line Petra lost a hold of the torch.

"Petra?" Jesse called anxiously in the dark as she continued to blindly race forward, constantly glancing over her back at nothing but blackness.

"Just keep running!" Petra called back her her.

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now