Eerie Silence

360 14 17

Jesse pulled the heavy wooden door of her bedroom shut behind her with a gently click. She looked around the familiar room, the window she hadn't gazed out of in weeks, the bed she hadn't slept in in what felt like forever.

Meeting her own eyes in the mirror above her desk, a small smile found its place on Jesse's face. She looked terrible, her skin decorated with fresh scars, dirt smeared across her face, her armour scratched and dented. But Jesse didn't care what she looked like, all she cared about was finally being home.

After spending days, no weeks, trapped in what felt like an endless hallway of portals, all Jesse cared about was getting some well deserved rest. She was tired and worn through, her muscles tight with the days of stress behind her.

Her friends had said something about catching up and spending what was left of that day together, only for Jesse to decline the offer. As great as it sounded to hang out with her friends after not seeing them for so long, all she wanted to do at that moment was rest. Everything that had happened in the past 24 hours hadn't even properly sunk in yet.

Sighing and shaking her head to herself, Jesse detached the straps of her armour, relieving herself of the heavy weight. Her clothes beneath weren't any cleaner, and damp with her own sweat, but Jesse didn't care in the slightest. Once she recharged a bit, she'd worry about getting herself properly cleaned up again.

Completely ignoring the fact that it was only late afternoon, Jesse promptly flopped down on her bed. Just a little nap, that was all she wanted at that moment. After all, she hadn't had a good night's sleep since... since they left Beacontown in the first place. No wonder she felt so drained.

For a while Jesse just lay there, on her bed, resting her eyes. Sleep didn't come like she had hoped it would, but the ability to just relax already felt like a blessing.

Jesse wasn't sure for how long she lay like that, her mind wandering miles away. She had nearly drifted off completely, when a low rumble of thunder caught her attention.

Blinking her tired eyes open, Jesse propped herself up on her elbows. She let out a long yawn as she got up, rubbing her tired eyes. Jesse's smile was quick to return when she parted the curtains, seeing the clouds packing together in the sky outside. Just another thing to make that day even better.

Jesse began walking back to her bed, ready to just slump down and take that nap already. But then she stopped, frowning to herself. Something wasn't quite right... the tree-house sounded incredibly quiet. When she had first lied down earlier, she was able to hear her friends laughing and talking to each other in the living room.

Jesse turned her head back to the window, frowning. It wasn't that late already, but she assumed it was possible that the others also called it a day early? They were all exhausted after all, she wouldn't be surprised if her hunch was correct.

Deciding to go and have a look anyway, Jesse walked to her bedroom door instead. She pushed it open, stepping into the hallway. It was almost completely pitch black in the rest of the tree-house, the lights turned off and the curtains all drawn. It seemed like the others had in fact just called it a day.

But something about the eeriness of the tree-house made Jesse feel... uncomfortable. It was just too quiet.

Jesse frowned as she walked down the dark hallway, peering into the empty rooms as she went. There was no sign of life, even as she walked into the living room. The place seemed deserted.

"Guys?" Jesse's voice was small and shaky, echoing through the empty living room. The only answer her call received was another crack of thunder outside the window.

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now