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Sequel to Feeling Adventurous

Hearing the doors close behind them, both Jesse and Petra flung around on the spot, letting out surprised gasps. Just in time to see the last strip of light closed up, as everything around them was bathed in darkness.

"Okay... that's not good." Jesse said, turning her head in Petra's direction. It was too dark to make out her friend's face, barely the outlines of Petra's form visible.

"Hmm." Petra hummed in response, not sounding particularly concerned. "I guess there's going to be some crap waiting for us in here then. Some puzzle we have to solve, or a gazillion mobs to fight. Usually that's how the doors open again."

"You sound awfully calm about this." Jesse said, her voice rising a pitch in panic.

"Yeah, because freaking out is only going to get you killed quicker." Petra said, giving Jesse a playful slap to her shoulder. "Loosen up, Jess, you can freak out if we actually start running out of oxygen or dying from dehydration."

"Oh, very comforting." Jesse muttered in response.

Hearing Petra's footsteps start to move down the hallway, Jesse was quick to spin back in that direction, jogging after her friend. In fear of something coming out of nowhere and pulling the two of them apart, Jesse was tempted to cling onto Petra as they walked. But she had a pretty strong suspicion that would result in her receiving a punch to the gut.

"I wish we brought torches." Petra said, her voice echoing down the hallway. "We could walking right past something valuable and not even-" She didn't her sentence, something below them all of a sudden making and audible click noise. Both girls froze in their tracks.

"Petra?" Jesse asked anxiously. "What was that?"

"A pressure plate." Petra breathed, glancing around in the dark.

There was a low rumble echoing throughout the building. Suddenly a torch burst into flames on the wall, it's dim light illuminating the hallway in a fiery golden glow. Jesse and Petra blinked in the sudden light, exchanging glances.

"How the hell did that just work?" Jesse asked as Petra reached up, taking the torch off the wall.

"Ever flipped a light switch?" Petra pointed out.

"Yes, but there's a logical explanation to how electricity works!" Jesse hissed at her friend. "I can't see how a bit of redstone wiring can physically light a torch!"

"Jesse, if you question everything you see in these places, you're life is going to be filled with more confusion than you'll ever be able to process." Petra said, calmly proceeding to walk down the hallway.

Jesse just groaned in response, once more jogging to catch up with Petra until she could fall back in stride beside her friend. She supposed Petra did have a point, a lot of things in temples didn't make sense. Mob spawners, mysteriously opening passages... It was all yet to be explained.

As they moved down the hallway, the torch's light began to reflect off of more than just the walls. Statues of skeletons were chained up against the wall, made out of what appeared to be copper.

"This is so creepy." Jesse said, shivering as they walked past the shimmering statues.

Petra just nodded in response, seemingly not phased much about the creepy statues. The two of them continued walking on in mostly silence, passing more of the odd skeleton statues. The hallway finally came to an end, leading into a large room.

"Woah." Petra breathed as they stepped into the room, the walls all made out of solid gold.

"This is... yeah, woah." Jesse replied in awe, gazing around the room.

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now